Chapter Eight / Error

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It's been weeks since Ayano and Budo started dating, and things were going great. Osana wasn't surprised at the news, because she already saw it coming. Their other friends had the same reaction, honestly, everyone saw it coming.

They spent their days hanging out just like they did before dating, but with some kisses and flirty jokes here and there. Ayano would help Budo out in his studies for his mid year exam, which is funny because she's a year younger than him, but she still helped him alot.

Ayano finally felt complete, and full of emotions.

It was Saturday, and Ayano was at Budo's house to help him study. But the thing was, they weren't studying but making out.

As both of Ayano's hand traveled through Budo's hair, the both of them try to pull eachother together tighter, leaving no space between them as their mouths met. Ayano glanced over at the clock, it was 10:44 PM. "Budo, mfdh" Ayano said between the kiss and grunted as Budo pushed his lips harder onto her's. They made eye contact, and Ayano could feel the smirk Budo had against her lips as she watched one of his eyebrows rise.

"It's late." She managed to say, and finally they broke the kiss and gasped for air. They took a few seconds to gain their breath then looked at eachother. Budo glanced at the clock. "It's still early, what do you mean?" He asked. "We've been making out for an hour instead of studying." Ayano stated.

"I can't help it, my tutor is too sexy." He teased. Ayano laughed and punched his arm jokingly.

"You should go." She told him, and he sighed in agreement. She gave him a quick kiss and waved at him. He waved back and climbed through the window to reach to his room with a smile on his face.

It was night time at Akademi High. All the students were at home, sleeping soundly or doing their homework last minute. Except for one student.

As she looked through the security cameras, she made sure there were no teachers or security guards on school grounds. She then pressed a button that locked all the entrances to the school. Satisfied, she took the file that sat on her table, and made her way out of the room.

The small breeze flew in her face as she stepped out. It's been a while since she's been outside of the room she was always in. She had one destination. The science club. She then walked towards her destination , bringing her file along. Soon she arrived and made her way inside the clubroom. She switched on the lights and started to look for a white and blue tablet.

"Where is it?" She asked herself, annoyed. She looked in the drawers, rummaged the robotic components, and looked finally she decided to look in one of the robot's stomach. "Ah." She said as she found the tablet. She picked it up and typed in a special passcode.

"Portal activated." A robotic voice echoed across the room, and the redhead smiled to herself. She stepped in the portal and soon started to evaporate.

She opened her eyes, and found herself in a familiar room. A bedroom with a three big computers.

"Info Chan. It was about time you came." She heard a familiar voice, and turned to the direction it came from.

"Yandere Dev." She called to him, smirking.

She sat down comfortably on the bed as the man stared daggers at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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