chapter 11

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"Yeonjun you should leave now "
You said not wanting your mom to see you two together .

"You want me to leave that bad " he asked staring at you .

"Its not like that i just -"
He got up and walked to the door in a whole new mood why is he like this ! However you grabbed his hands
"I didnt Mean it like that , i dont want you go but-"

He braced you next to the door and kissed you as he slowly stopped and looked you in your eyes "but what ?"
"Do you like me as yet ?" He asked as he walked out leaving you deep in your thoughts .

You walked to the couch staring at nothing but deep in your thoughts with your fingers running across your lips slowly and his voice in your head "do you like me as yet ?"

"Y/n !" Your mom called but you didnt answer .

"Where is this girl?"
"Y/n , why aren't you answering me "

Y/n:"Do you like me as yet?"

"What kind of question is that , are you mad ?" She said lightly hitting your back which made you came to your sense .

Y/n:" No thats not it , i was just practicing for a play at school" you said convincing her you aren't out of your mind.

*time skip*
"How am i gonna go to school ? Or how am i gonna cover my mother's shift " you asked yourself kicking the sheet away from you .

"Y/n you must avoid him at all cost " yoy said to yourself .

Yeonjun POv
" do you like me yet ? " does that line sound cool ?
I asked my brother

Brother : "who is this line for ? "*wink

Yjn : "When you come from china tomorrow i'll tell you " *winks

Brother : "okay / 好"

Yjn : " ah , and dont speak mistake and speak chinese to her "

Brother : " why / 什么?"

Yjn" because she wont understand ofcourse "

Brother "Yeonjun you are too much , see you  ".

Who do you think his BROTHER IS ? ;)))))))))))

-- hey im trying to update now 😔 also im sorry to leave this hanging b4 and stuff im just a little lost and want to catch up , so better chapters will / can be out.

Also beacause i work on my korean and im like at a almost half good  point i started chinese a bit

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