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Leah groaned as she woke up beside Aiden. It was pitch black outside. She watched as his bare chest rose and fell with his breaths. It was a sign that he wasn't a leech in Leah's eyes.

"Stop staring at me, Leah. It's uncomfortable." He mutters and she blushes feeling her face get hot.

"Quiet." She whispered.

"What you weren't last night." He retorted and she pushed him out of the bed.

"Don't implicate anything. I was drunk from the flight."

His eyebrow waggled as he chuckled. "Fine. I would've loved to snuggle you more." He showed his screensaver of them snuggling. Leah's mouth was slightly agape in the photo and he was kissing her cheek.

"Delete it."

"No." He ran as she jumped on him and twisted his arm around.

"Delete it!" She growled.

"No, you're so cute." He whined zooming in on her drooling face.

"I swear to all things holy, if you don't delete this picture!" Leah growled.

"Let me keep it. I won't show it or send it to anyone." He stated turning to look at her seriously. Leah stopped and looked at him in surprise.


"I want to keep it. To remind me of you, Lee Lee." Aiden stated rolling them over and pinning her to the floor. Her face darkened at the nickname.

"Get off." She said in a dark tone. He got off and she glared harshly at him.

"Leah, I'm sorry. I forgot."

"No, you didn't. Shut up." She spat holding herself as she walked away towards the bathroom. She dragged her bag with her and for a moment, Aiden could see her beautiful wolf staring him down through her eyes.

"I truly did forget, Leah." He said softly before leaving the room to get a snack from the vending machine. He put his money in and waiting for his pack of Skittles before walking back.

"You're back?" Leah whispered brushing her hair as she pulled her leather jacket up.

"Leah- Yea." He gave up unwilling to ruin her semi-good mood before tossing a yellow skittle at her. She caught it in her mouth and grinned. He shook his head. Wolves and their mood swings.

"Get dressed. I'll be outside." Leah said before Aiden pouted.

"Come on, Babe. I thought you'd want to see my..." His eyes drifted downward with a smirk and she rolled her eyes.

"No, I do not want to see that peanut you call a dick. Hurry up and get dressed." She slammed the door leaving the hybrid in shock.

"I'm insulted." He gasped holding a hand over his chest before taking off his shirt and pants. "I'll have you know I'm 11 inches."

"Aiden! I swear!" She screamed opening the door to see him naked. He smirked as her face grew red. "PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON!"

"I mean I was but you interrupted me." He stated going toward the bathroom with a flamboyant flip of his hair.

"I'll kill him someday." She groaned.

"With cuteness, Sweetheart." He retorted over the sound of the water.

Leah and Aiden walked through the dark streets of Volterra causally. The she wolf almost couldn't believe it was so easy to walk into enemy territory. Everything seemed so peaceful.

"Guard up, Leah. We aren't alone." Aiden informed her. The wolf growled smelling the sweet smell in the air. The sickly sweet smell of the cold ones. Vampires.

"Aiden Cullen," A familiar little girl greeted them in a rose dress with ruffles. "Master Aro is expecting you."

"So I was informed, lead the way, Jane." He said gaining a piercing glare from the vampire in return.

"Do not address me so causally." She spat turning around and walking without another word.

"My apologies then, Miss. Jane." The hybrid grinned a charming smiled keeping up with her brisk pace.

She rolled her crimson eyes "You've bought a dog."

"A personal friend of mine." He said as they arrived at the clocktower. Jane opened the door and immediately the royal vampires greeted them.

"Aiden!" Aro said excitedly rising from his throne.

"Aro, it is a pleasure to see you again." Leah felt herself getting a headache from the smells.

"You've brought a mutt. Werewolves aren't tolerated here." Caius hissed out harshly. Leah growled rising to the challenge but Aiden kissed her cheek.

"She's mine. I don't want anyone to touch her." Aiden growled possessively. From the outside in, he sounded playful but Leah could tell he was prepared to kill.

"I see... Your chosen mate?"

"Yes." The hybrid adjusted his bowtie to allow his neck more room.

"Why have you called him here, Aro? This boy isn't ready to be fought. He's too immature. Doesn't take the fight seriously." Marcus rasped making Leah growl in her mate's defense.

"Calm your mate. I do not look for a challenge." Marcus added. Leah calmed at the stroke of his thumb on her palm. It rubbed circles around the area making her smile internally despite herself.

"I have called you here to train you in your gift. Something your father cannot even fathom."

"I had a tutor. I can control when I see anything as long as you are touching any part of my body. I'm working on clothing."

"Well I'll be..." Aro whispered attempting to grab his hand. Aiden pulls away with a smirk.

"Ah! You need to learn on your own, Aro. I'm not just gonna give you the answer to the questions." He snarked. Jane growled lowly at the disrespect of her master.

"Well, I would like to offer you a place in the guard." Aiden scoffed

"You're not playing me, Aro. I want to be a leader not a dumbass guard. I'm not gonna be a underused and abused servant." Leah nodded in approval from behind him. Aro seemed shocked that the boy had saw through him so easily.

"Jane, show him to his room. I believe we can discuss things over breakfast."

"What is breakfast? A bunch of humans." Leah said jokingly.

Caius tenses "Keep your dog in her room."

"No, I'll be having a room with her. I don't trust your intentions with my mate. I hope you understand, Aro, Caius."

Marcus chuckled with a undertone of heartache, "The boy is smart."

"Silence your tongue, Marcus." Aro snapped back before turning to Aiden, "I understand your request. Show them to his room, Jane, Alec."

Aiden followed the twins and Leah sent Marcus one last look for running off with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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