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    "geo stop!" i scream laugh while running through the halls trying to get away. i make a swift turn and run into a group of boys. i stop for a second and see geo running after me. i take off again as i yell sorry. i only got about two feet from those boys when geo catches me and tickles me into the floor. "geo stop please" i say in between uncontrollable laughter. the 5 boys look at us as he finally stops. "sorry again about running into you" i say. "it's fine, don't stress it" the tall one says.
    one of the boys rolls his eyes and puts his hand out. "hi im roshaun" i shake his hand and say "im elena" he looks at all the other boys and rolls his eyes once more. he points at a short kid "this is kairi" and one with perfect teeth that seems to always smile "alejandro" the tall one that said don't stress it "mattia" a one that caught my eye with the hair "alvaro" and last but not least one that's been trying to get himself out of this convo "annnd robert" he states. i nod my head and look at geo, "this is geo" "so how long y'all been messing?" mattia says. "no- we're best friends " i laugh and everyone soon joins.
"so elena, what class do you have next" kairi asks. "oh umm, math with mrs. lawrence" "same, lemme see your schedule" he states. turns out me and him have every class except 8th period which i have with alejandro and mattia. "i feel like y'all fuck on the low" robert says referring to me and geo. "i kissed his check when i was like 4, that's the most sexual thing we've ever done" i say while laughing.
i walk to first period with kairi. "yo elena" i hear someone scream. me and kai look back to see jose, this kid that likes me. "hey jose" "hey mamas, so i was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?" "no, i have plans" "bro you're such a bitch you always reject and i never do anything to you" "yo, back off" kai says "and who are you" jose says with a smirk "her boyfriend" i blush at the thought. "prove it" before i could say anything kairi grabs my jaw and smashes his lips onto mine. "ELENA WILLIAMS AND KAIRI CONSENTINO MY OFFICE NOW." we hear our principal scream.
"SUSPENDED WHAT?" kairi screams. "it's either that or off the soccer team" our principal states. while we're waiting for our parents to pick us up guilt is eating me. "i'm sorry kai, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in this mess" "woah el, i kissed you, it's not your fault" "but if i just said yes to his stupid date" "elena, don't worry. i liked the kiss anyways" he blushes. i just smile and lay my head on his shoulder.

𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠 ; 𝐤. 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now