Walking dead ships (pt. 1)

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"I'm NOT a Lizkook shipper, don't call me that" - angry fan (me). Also, this story includes other ships.

I called out for my brother, "Tae?" silence "Tae!" I heard someone groan, "TAE!" I called out, running towards the sound. "Help," Taehyung screeched. I went towards a house, and I climbed up the treehouse, I spotted my brother, Taehyung sitting up, blood dripping from his leg. He whimpered in pain, "It got me, Lisa, it got me good, that, that thing got me when I wasn't looking, I feel so stupid." I trembled to look at the wound, "I don't want to die, Lisa yet, it not my time to leave. I REFUSE to believe that, Lisa, please, save me," he cried. I helped him up, stabilizing him.

No, not him, oh fucking god, please not my brother, I keep a straight face though, I couldn't show I was scared. One of us had to be healthy. "Lisa, talk to me," he started, I ignored him, "Jin will fix you up." Bringing him inside, I brought him our friend, Jin, who was a doctor. The only one in town, in fact, he's always taking care of others. Once my brother was treated I discussed my plans with Jin, ---"I'm going out to CDC," I stated, "No, in the hell, you're not!" Jin lectured me, "The dead will eat you before you even try!" I rolled my eyes, "I've been alive for the two months this has been going on!" "And look what happened to your brother! I can't cure him, you know, I can't." Silence"I'm gonna try, even though it's so far from here, "By the time you even come back, Tae will be dead, LISTEN TO ME! Going to that lab is a bad idea, and besides, if you do make it your brother, h-he won't make it!"

The next day Taehyung's shot and killed."We have to find the cure, we have too, for everyone who's losing there lives from this, for Tae, for Jisoo-", Jin cut me off, "f-fine!" he bear-hugged me, wiping his tears, "I'm coming t-too and d-don't you dare end up like-." I smiled sadly, "I won't," I softly whispered. ---I gathered up supplies and stuffed them into my bag — Jin on a horse, waiting for me. I went to my horse. We started our journey. I then hugged my friend, Hoesok and waved goodbye, Hoseok was going to stay here at our house and keep patrol with Min, his older sister. ---"How are we going to get there?" Jin questions me, "through the city," I responded. "What! No way! We'll never make it!" "Have a little faith in me~?" I said in a singsong voice. Jin groaned, "I hate when you sing," I smiled, "Why don't you sing Jin since your so great" Jin laughed at me and started to sing and believe me, that's all I need to have hope.---We reached the city, and it was quiet until we saw them -a herd of them. Jin puts his finger to his mouth, signalling us to be quiet. We turned back, to get away, as our horse neighed, indicating the dead. They surrounded us quicker than fire; we all had escaped but separated, Jin with Taehyung. And me, by myself. I sneaked underneath a vehicle, finding an entrance from the bottom, I went in. Taking out a sharp knife I looked around the tank I was in, I stood shocked by a dead body, was sitting there, behind me. In a second, I heard a gunshot, shook I turned around facing, a guy around my age. "you're a dumbass," he said

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