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Amut warning baby, anyway, comment if I should make a legit RickFic, comment a....cowboy emoji.

You slammed the cabinet shut as an irritated sigh left your chapped lips. Furrowing your brows you put your hands on the counter as you took a minute to think, Rick walks in and takes a quick look around before looking back at you. "Nothing?" He asked, you shook your head and leaned back against the counter with your arms holding onto the ledge. You had come out with Rick to find any remnants of food, aside from the rabbit or squirrel he brought from time to time but you wanted something else. It was silent other than that of the birds outside, tears pricked your eyes as it all came back to you.

Being in such a trance you hadn't realized he had walked over to you, blinking away the tears you looked at him, somehow your eyes still glossy. He placed his on your cheek, you felt butterflies in your stomach, having been desperate for any form of human touch. You leaned into his hand, he inched closer as he creased you with his thumb. You met his gaze, you could see that he was almost hungry, just as lonely as you were. He leaned closer and closed the gap.

His hand roamed down the arch in your back, he pulled away and looked at you again to continue further. You smiled at him, a small sign was all he needed. He went back into the heated kiss, it took a few minutes before you began to relax to his gentle touch. Before you realized it he had picked you up and placed you on the counter, the kiss crawled from your lips to the side of your mouth, and down your neck. You placed your arms around his neck as you held onto his hair, a breathy moan leaving your lips.

You felt his hands roam your body, once he reached your shirt he tugged at it. He pulled back, your stare heated and helpless making his hunger rise. You raised your shirt over your head as he unclasped your bra, leaving you bare-chested. Honest with yourself, you didn't know what you were doing and this experience was so new to you. He cupped your great and put it in his mouth, playing with it with his tongue. Your eyes widened as you let out sheepish breaths, a little intimidated.

Finally, you decided to see what you could do, you pushed him back a little, "Let's see if we can go find a bed" you said softly. You had his hand in yours and walked up the stairs, the master bedroom door was wide open. It was messy but surprisingly better looking than all the other ones you've seen. You turned to him and began to pull him onto the bed to which he complied willfully. Laying him down you loomed over him, a small burst of confidence inside of you. You unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants, and pulled them down. Having this be your first time, your cheeks became rose pink. You unbuttoned your own jeans and slowly pulled them down, your heart racing with every step. You crawled over him, his member just below you, you aligned it with your opening and slowly setting yourself down. Already you heard a groan leave his lips.

You could tell it's been a while for him, you covered your face as you felt yourself adjust to him before moving again. The bouncing started slow before you started picking up on his want to go faster, it only made you want to tease him further. You covered your mouth as you let whimpers leave your lips, each one leaving you trembling. He could only take it so long before his craving took the better of him, he held onto your thighs as he began to ram into you. The feeling of a tie in your stomach getting tighter, you covered your face as you trembled, drool rolling down the corner of your mouth from the amount of pleasure you were feeling. You leaned forward with your hands at each of his sides, "Oh please don't stop" you cried, your breathing hard and hot.

He had this smug smirk on his face, proud to be causing you this much pleasure, your thighs began to shake as you came close to your climax. After a few final thrusts, you leaned onto his chest and held tightly onto his shirt as you let out a pleasureful scream, he covered your mouth as even that couldn't stop your volume. You switched positions, him now on top of you. His dominating gaze on your naked body, he continued to thrust into you, every so often he would stop to lean into you for a quick kiss. He had your legs on his shoulders and he was so close you messed with his hair as you came down from your pleasurable high.

As he finally came close to his climax he pulled out began to finish himself off, you sat up and scooted to the floor. You were on your knees patiently waiting for him with your tongue out, before long his load glazed your face, there was so much more than you thought there would've been. You liked giving him pleasure, making him feel this way, you got up and licked the head of his member. It still twitching from having climaxed, he leaned against the wall as you began to suck his member. Making sure to flatten your tongue and go as far as you can.

You took it out of your mouth, a string of saliva on your lip to his member. You began to pump as you licked the shaft with your tongue before going back to sucking him off. After some time you could feel his member begin to pulse in your mouth, you stopped, as you were about to pull away he held your face down. You didn't fight it, you could feel the hot sticky fluid fill your mouth. It didn't take a second thought before you swallowed it, you pulled away and leaned back onto your hands.

He buttoned up his pants and buckled his belt, he went downstairs to grab your clothes and handed them to you before plopping back down. "We should get back before the start worrying about us." He said you nodded "I found these." He added. Rick passed you a can of peaches, you smiled at him "Thank you" you said to him as you put on your clothes. You turn to the bed sheet and wipe your face before getting up.

You went to the kitchen and found a can opener, you opened it and began to eat the peaches loving the sweetness. You turned to rick and gave him a peck on the lips before going to the car.

It's almost like you're beginning to fall in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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