The Beginning

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The woman cried, and fell to the ground. What did I do wrong. The man was wrong and he did not leave me a choice, but it did not matter because I'm now a hero. However, to her, I'm a murderer for the one she loved is now dead and I am the one who did it, how can I tell her that it is okay? Would I think it is okay or would I be angry at the man? I would say ......;yes. I am not GOD it's not my choice to say who is right or wrong , so I walked away but on the other hand if I did not do anything, would that make me a failure? I don't know but if I'm going to be screwed one way or another which it's not my fault . Would I be the good and the ones I punish be the bad or the other way around? And as I am thinking all of this I am not doing so well because of that woman. So I asked Conrad if I could take a break? He said "Yes". So I went to the park. That woman I can't get her out of my head I still see her crying. If I can't shoot the wrong then I can't do my job. Should I quit? Or, keep going? saying that maybe I should, because I'm not worthy. But on the other hand it was my first time so of course I would be a little bit shattered . Saying that I would be wrong if I did not feel bad . I'm not the bad one because I am the one who has the badge. So am I saying I'm......;Justice? Yes I am saying that I am Justice. I am the one who has the power. So I THE ONE WHO CAN DO NO WRONG WILL FIGHT THE ONES WHO DO WRONG AND HURT THE INNOCENT THEY WILL BE PUNISHED NO MATTER WHO IT SHOUL D BE because in the long run I am.....;Justice

"Wow Dad did all that really happen" Lucas said.

"Yes son it did and there is more, but not now it is getting late so finish your breakfast so you can get to school and I will tell you it later" Bart said.

"Will you really tell me the rest" Lucas said in excitement.

"Yes" Bart said.

"You heard your father now get up stairs and get dressed so when you get back from school he'll finish it" Ariel said.

"Okay Mum, I know one thing when I grow up I want to be just like you Dad" Lucas said as he started running up the stairs.

"Oh what are we going to do with him" Ariel said in a funny tone.

"Huh, I don't no Ariel honey, but I know with you helping he will turn in to a great man" Bart said as he put his arms around her.

"He needs you more then me, I mean when are you home he only sees you when he wakes up and when you come home if he can stay up that is".

"Goodbye Dad love you Mum" Lucas said as he ran out the door.

"He knows you aren't going to tell him. I mean what if you get hurt" before Ariel could finish her sentence .

"Do you really think that is what are son is thinking about, he is just eleven he still thinks that I am superman"

As Ariel is getting up "Yes he does but what if you die and he realizes that you are not superman that you and him thought you were, what will happen then? He would be without a Father. He can't live like that, and he shouldn't and we..... we shouldn't, as the tears started coming, Bart went to her and put his arms back around her and she did the same.

"That wont happen I promise. I will always be there for you.

"I know you say that, but this case you are in now they killed ten people and two of them were cops. I, just don't want you to be the third. I would feel a lot better if you were off this case"

"Like I said that wont happen and I promise that I will be home okay"

Sniffle; "okay"

"Good I have time before I go to work so lets just relax........;

"Hey Bart how is it going" the secretary guard said as Bart walked into the lobby.

"Pretty good" Bart said as he walked by.

Hey how are you doing today Eve? As he walked in to the main room.

Okay, just tired".

"Is it the baby again" Bart asked?

"Yes, he woke me up three times last night, and Jordan, he's not getting any better I just don't think that I can take much more of this,

I'm sorry, if I can do anything to help let me know, as Bart put his hand on hers.

Just pray for him.

Bart get into my office pronto, I need to speak to you about something" the commissioner said.

"What is it sir" Bart said as he walked into the office.

"It's this case., the mayor is on my ass about it. He said if we don't do something about it soon one of us would be on the streets and I know which one it's going to be" The commissioner said.

"Well what are you wanting me to do" Bart asked?

"Just asking for all the paperwork that you have on the case by Monday" the commissioner said.

"Okay I will get right on to it sir" Bart said as he turned around and started to turn the nob.

"Hey Bart are we still on for tonight?"

"I don't know if I can do it tonight"

"All come on, you have all of that stuff done"

"I don't think so, I still have somethings to do."

"Come on a few hours would not kill you, and some more people are coming over, we just need to get are minds off of what has happened these few months. So will I see you and Ariel?"

"Well I don't know Conrad" Bart said.

Good I will see you guys at seven o'clock sharp okay?" The Commissioner said.

"I guess it has to be, right? that was a order. Bart said with a smile"

"You know it was, now get out of my office" the Commissioner said.

"You got it sir" Bart said as he walked out the door. I have to much stuff to do. Bart thought to himself as he sat down at his desk, what to do first?; Well I guess I can get started on the paperwork before tonight comes. In the past three month there have been ten killings, two of them were cops. The other six were just for show to let us know that they know what they are doing, and we think two of them were in there group. Why? We found some marked bills in one of the guys hands. The first time we knew that they were around was when they robbed a bank. When we questioned the cops that were there that night they said that when they got back from lunch and saw that one of the lights was on, that they did not turn on. They started looking around. while in the room they did not see anything wrong, they even went to the vault and it did not look like it was even touched. But the same morning it was opened, they saw that it was almost all wiped out. I still don't know how they did it. The next week another bank was hit, we think it was the same people, because it looked the same way. But one of the cops saw the robbers trying to sneak out . There were five of them, they all were wearing black clothes and a ski mask. One of them looked back to see if they (the cops) were going to the light that they left on in the back room, and they were, but one of the cops looked back. Because what he said "he had a bad feeling about something". He thought something was moving so he started back to the door with his hand on his gun, and that is when the one person pulled out his gun and started shooting. The two cops dove for cover and returned fire. They got away but one of the cops got one in the leg. The cops ran outside and saw the last man get in to a black van, but they did not see the license plate and. Ring ring, huh damn is it one all ready? "Hello" Bart said as he answered the phone.

"Hey Bart are you going to lunch" Nick asked?

"Sure" Bart answered .

"Okay I will be at the front door" Nick said.

"Okay I will be right there" Bart said as he was putting up the paperwork...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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