Pale, the Nirvana Boy

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Pale, the Nirvana Boy

Saturday, March 16- 3:50pm

She saw his white Nirvana sweatshirt, stained with my dried-up blood, lying on the couch where Michael left it this morning.

He was sitting in a chair, slouched over the table with his pale skin, looking terrible as always. His hair was drenched in water, shining off of the flickering fluorescent light.

"What's wrong with you?" Lisa asked him. I stared at her and walked into the door.

I never said anything to her. Her entire existence in his son's life is pitiful, a terrible little girl. I want to kill her. Yet, I can't I already killed someone today, I grabbed the Nirvana sweatshirt.

Lisa was still standing over his limp body when I pushed her out of the way, she never deserved him anyway.

How will I hide this?

Crying, Lisa didn't leave because Michael's snow-white body decided to move again.

I was shocked, I thought I stabbed him enough. I closed his eyes and told Lisa to, "Come with me."

Saturday, March 16- 4:50pm

I saw his white Nirvana sweatshirt, stained with dried up blood, lying on the couch where he left it this morning.

He was sitting in a chair, slouched over the table with his pale skin, looking terrible as always. His hair was drenched in water, shining off of the flickering fluorescent light.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked him. His mother, staring with her small black beady eyes, walked into the door.

She was silent, never said anything to me my entire existence in his son's life. Yet, the whole time, she looked like she wanted to kill me. She walked towards him and grabbed the Nirvana sweatshirt.

I was still standing over his limp body when his mother pushed me out of the way.

What did I do? I didn't do anything.

Crying, I decided not to leave because Michael's snow-white body decided to move again.

In shock, his mother walked towards him closing his eyes with her hand, "Come with me." she said.

Sunday, March 17-3:50pm

A pale doctor, came up to me, "Lisa, you are the reason, Michael did this to himself." He gave me a note:

i still love her. I never got a chance to tell her because i usually run from my problems. i saw her kiss micah. i guess she'll never know how much i cared about her.


Collapsing to the hospital floor, I finally realized-

Sunday, March 17-3:50pm

I walked up to the girl, shaking, I have never have gotten paid to lie to anyone before. I reviewed over the notes and told her,

"Lisa, you are the reason, Michael did this to himself."

I gave me a note. She collapsed onto the floor.

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