s e v e n t e e n

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i really did not want to go to another stupid dinner party again.

i think our parents assume, 'hey you and noen have spoken to each other, let's have 20 dinner parties a week'

and i am doing everything to avoid going to another one so soon. which includes coming up with some bullshit excuse about why i can't go.

and i can't think of one for the life of me, but luckily noen had the same idea as me,

"do you want to just blow it off?"

which brought me a sigh of relief, "honestly yes, i'm not in the mood to hear about how much you've grown again" i tell him jokingly but also somewhat not.

he does a soft laugh, but he looks hurt. great going freya, you can't make jokes without hurting people.

he looks at me and says, " i hope you don't actually think of me like that"

genuinely confused, i ask " what do you mean", if i'm being honest, i used to think noen relished in attention but i'm not too sure anymore.

"you know, an arrogant asshole"

i hesitate whilst stammering , "of course not, i was just kidding"

i have never seen him so insecure, it was really strange to not see his confident persona.

it left this awkward atmosphere in the air.

"noen, uh do you want to go to the old cliff" jeez that took way too much confidence, i just wanted to silence to end.

his lifeless face, sprung to this really excited expression. "i haven't been since... , i think the last time we went together"

whenever our parents were boring us we'd always go to this really beautiful cliff, it was surrounded by woodlands,  so it was somewhat hard to get to.

this resulted in a lot of scared parents.

if i'm being honest, i go there a lot, it's a great place for relaxing whenever stress gets to you.

this so happens to be a lot recently.

"come on freya" noen yells at the top of his lungs.

"jesus, calm down" i say getting into noen's car which he dragged me in.

"are you sure you remember the way?" noen's always been terrible at maps.

"of course i do" he definitely doesn't, the first turn is already wrong.

"wrong turn already idiot"

"whatever" he responds turning on the radio, steal my girl by one direction, that's a bit of a throw back.

then he just starts singing at the top of his lungs, i wish i could tell you he's a great singer but someone can't be good at everything.


why the hell not, i also join in,


he looks at me, laughs and does his stupid giggle

i continue singing, ignoring his cute, stupid face "COUPLE BILLION IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD"

"SO FIND ANOTHER ONE SHE BELONGS TO ME" he sings back. he yells back* staring right at me.

look at the road not me, you dick.

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