A Regular Day.

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A few days later while Logan was at his therapist, Rory had taken the time to go into the office for a quick meeting. But what Rory didn't know that someone was waiting for her in her office.  Mitchum Huntzberger. Once she saw him she practically ran into her office prepared to yell at him.

"What in the world are you doing here Mitchum?" Rory asked angrily.

"I want to see my son, and since he's now apparently living with you. It seems my only option to see him is through you." Mitchum answered her,

"There is no way I am letting you see him and he won't see you. Why do you all of a sudden want to see him? You couldn't care less when he was admitted to Rehab or for the fact that he has tried multiple times to ends his life. You are a big part of why Logan is so depressed, stressed and an emotional mess right now." Rory told him while getting even angrier at Mitchum.

"He is weak that is why he is depressed, he has never been able to handle the pressure of being the Huntzberger heir," Mitchum stated.

"I can't believe you are saying this about your son, you are unbelievable. Please leave my office before I call security."Rory told him.

"You and Logan will regret this, believe me, "Mitchum told her while beginning to walk out from the office.

"Believe me, we won't," Rory said.

Once Mitchum had left, Rory sat down in her chair and took a deep breath.
She couldn't believe the nerve that man had, saying all those things about his son. She knew she had to tell Logan about this, she knew how he would react to it.

An hour and fifteen minutes later.

"Hey Ace, I'm done at the therapist. I'll see you at the apartment?" ~ Logan.

"You sure you don't want me to pick you up?" ~ Rory.

"I think I should go home to the apartment alone, but thanks, babe." ~ Logan.

"You'll text me the second you get home please, do you want me to bring home some food?"~Rory.

"I promise Ace, sure, what are you in the mood for?" ~ Logan.

"I don't know some pizza?" ~ Rory.

"Pizza's fine, you can choose the pizza." ~ Logan.

"Done, I'll be home in like 45 minutes tops. I love you, Logan." ~ Rory.

"See you soon Ace, I love you too." ~ Logan.

Rory put down her phone, grabbed her things and made her way to the elevators. She walked out of the building and walked to her car.
Thirty minutes later she walked into the apartment.

"I'm home, Logan!!" Rory yelled out.

"Hey," Logan said while walking up to her.

"Hey yourself, how are you feeling?" Rory asked him while putting down the pizza on the table.

"I'm okay, I guess," Logan answered her.

"You sure? How did it go with the therapist?" Rory asked while taking her shoes off.

"It went okay, we talked a lot. I guess I needed that."Logan answered her while he began walking towards the sofa.

"I'm glad, that you are seeing someone," Rory told him honestly.

"Yeah me too, now should we eat?" Logan asked while sitting down on the sofa.

"Sure, just let me grab something to drink. I'll be right back." She told him while walking into the kitchen,

"You have to tell him about Mitchum, he can handle it. You just got back together, you need to be honest with him and don't hide things." Rory thought to herself.

She grabbed two glasses and two Coca Cola's and walked back out to the living room.
Once there she put down the glasses and the Coca Cola's on the table and joined Logan on the sofa.

"So Logan, I need to tell you something. But I'm not sure if should."Rory told him.

"What's up to Ace? You don't have to walk on eggshells around me, I can handle it."Logan told her like he was reading her mind.

"I know, I'm just being cautious," Rory told him honestly.

"Rory, look at me. I'm not going to break, I promise." He told her while grabbing both her hands.

"I know. Well, your dad came to my office today while you saw your therapist." She began.

"Wait, what? My dad came to your office? What did he want??" Logan interrupted.

"I was getting to that. He knows that you are living with me and he said that his only option to get to you is through me. And I told him to leave and he said that you and I would regret it," Rory finished.

"Did he say anything else?" Logan asked sensing there was more that she didn't say.

"I'm debating on whether to tell you or not. He has already caused so much pain and hurt you so much. Are you sure you want me to tell you??" She asked concerned.

"I can handle it Ace if you don't tell me it's like he's still running my life. Please tell me, because this thing called letting each other in goes both ways, you know." Logan told her while looking at her.

"Fine, he said that you have always been weak and you have never been able to handle the pressure of being the Huntzberger heir," Rory told him.

"He said that?" Logan asked while trying to stay calm.

"Yeah, he did. I'm so sorry Logan." Rory answered him while holding a firm grip of Logan's hands.

"It's not your fault Ace, it's his fault. He has never understood me or cared about me. He has always wanted me to face up to the responsibility of being the heir to his precious Huntzberger Group." Logan told her while getting angry.

"Calm down babe, please. This is exactly what he wants, he wants to get under your skin. Which he is doing right now, he always manages to do this to you."Rory explained to him.

"You're right Ace, I don't know how he manages to always do this," Logan told her.

"He has always had that effect on you, he knows the power he has over you. He knows which buttons to press." Rory told him while touching his cheek.

"Maybe I should call him and ask what he wants," Logan told her.

"Logan, no. He does not deserve your attention, maybe you can ask Honor? I think that would be the best option." Rory said.

"Yeah, I guess I could call Honor. Because I'm afraid if I call dad I'll give in to anything he wants." Logan said.

"I agree with you, and I'm here for you whatever you need. You know that right?" Rory told him while kissing him on his mouth.

"I know Ace and I love you so much," Logan told her while kissing her.

The next chapter will mostly focus on Logan's therapy session, and but a little more.
Thanks so much for reading!!

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