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Author's Note: There is violence mentioned in this chapter. Please proceed with caution if you are easily triggered.


"Why the fuck are you following me, you stupid bitch?" Jimin spat in Jin's face, his hand held firmly over his mouth.

Jin winced. He could feel the locker handle digging into his back but as he tried to wriggle free, Jimin pressed harder.

"Why are you following me?!"

Jin glared as he tried to say something behind the man's hand. Jimin frowned as he took his hand away.

"What? What did you say?"

"I said if you take your damn hand away, maybe I can tell you."

"Don't get smart with me!"

Jin rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe he once admired this man. Admired him so much that he swallowed his pride to try and be friends with him even though his efforts were swatted away like a pesky fly.

"I wanted to ask you something."

Now that the moment was here, Jin was beginning to question the wisdom of approaching Jimin. Should he even ask him about the times he'd snuck into Namjoon's home when Jin was out? It was in the past, and Jin was no longer with Namjoon. Was it even worth it?

Jin must have taken too long to decide because Jimin suddenly shoved him back against the lockers. The loud bang echoed down the empty hallway. Jin winced from the pain and wondered if he will get a bruise from Jimin's rough treatment.

"Speak! You chased me all the way here, and now you have nothing to say?! Are you really as dumb as you look?!"

"How long?" Jin whispered.

"What?" Jimin frowned.

"How long were you and Namjoon meeting behind my back? Are you the reason he accused me of cheating when he was the one cheating?" The disappointment in Jin was giving way to anger as he remembered the humiliation he had felt when he found his destroyed belongings.

"Cheating? Namjoon?" Jimin laughed. "The man was so crazy about you that he saw no one else. No one else."

Jimin's voice cracked on his last sentence, and Jin saw his face fall before he pulled himself together, and the look of disgust that was his typical expression when he looked at Jin was back.

"Then if he didn't cheat on me, why were you sneaking behind my back to see him? In our home. He was my boyfriend."

"Because he wouldn't spend time with me outside of class the way he used to! He was always in a hurry to get home to you after his lectures! The only way that I could be alone with him again was when you were out of the house!"

"What?" Jin breathed. He was stunned.

"Before you came along, I was his special someone. The one he spent time with in and out of class. The one he called and texted all the time. But one day he saw you, and he was a goner. One glance and that was it. I was no longer special. I was just one of his groupies."

The venom in Jimin's voice and the bitterness in his eyes frightened Jin.

"Even after I told him that you were cheating, and I gave him proof, he still thought the sun came out of your arse!"

Jin gasped at Jimin's confession. It was Jimin? He was the one? But how?

"I found your diary when I was in Namjoon's bedroom one day. I had so much fun reading your stupid, childish entries. But then you started talking about me, about how disappointed and unhappy you were that Namjoon took my side every time. It made me realise that maybe I had a chance with him after all. That maybe I can take him away from you. So I tore that page from your diary."

Jin's mind was whirling at a thousand rotations per minute. Jimin had been in his bedroom, had sat on his side of the bed that he shared with Namjoon, had put his hands on his personal belongings. His diary. Was there no shame in this man?

"Then I got a gift. A picture fell out of the diary. A picture of you in the arms of another man. I knew Namjoon might not be convinced by your diary, but a picture of you with another man? Glorious cheating proof!"

"That was a picture of me and Taehyung! My ex-boyfriend! We broke up long before I met Namjoon!"

"Didn't matter. I knew Namjoon wasn't going to ask questions because he would be so consumed with jealousy," Jimin laughed.

The laugh was wicked, and it sent cold ice trickling down Jin's spine.

"The text. How did you get my text with my best friend? I've never given my phone to you!"

"But you left it home one time. Remember when you called Namjoon the day after his birthday? You were calling from work?"

"Yes," Jin recalled that day. It was another one of his absent-minded episodes.

"I found it," Jimin smirked. "You're so gullible, Jin. Using your boyfriend's birthday as your password. Stupid!"

Jin closed his eyes in defeat. The man was unbelievable.

"I finally have him as my boyfriend but you had to turn up again. Clinging to a new man. Do you know how much he cried afterwards? He missed you so much that when he had sex with me later, he called out your name. He called me by your fucking name!"

Jin's eyes flew open, shocked by the stunning revelation. Namjoon missed him? Why?

"You ruin everything! I could've been his boyfriend before and we would have been happy. I was supposed to be his then but you showed up and ruined everything. You always ruin everything!"

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