This is Her

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A sociopath is "a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience".

She classifies that as unfeeling.

We all know that isn't socially correct.

She knows that too.

Like all of us, she tries. She really does.

She smiles and laughs appropriately, she gets upset and angry, worried and irritated. Annoyed and impatient. Basic emotions.

It is taxing, but her co-workers at her new job don't look at her in disbelief or confusion when she doesn't laugh at a joke.

See? Socially acceptable.

The day she meets him, the hourglass is turned over. The sands of time start to flow.

He understands not feeling. Not emoting, not properly, at least.

He is like her, in some odd twisted way.

One of a kind, indeed.

They exchange names and numbers.

They go out on a Monday and discuss their lives over Arabica coffee beans.

The next Monday, he hands her a thin folder with a maniac glint in his eyes.

I'm like you, he tells her.

His psychological assessment reads: psychopath.

She curls her lips up to show that she is pleased.

The sand in her hourglass is starting to form a mound in the bottom half.

They go out together, because it's what normal people do, he says.

They get to know each other more and more.

They grow closer. They go out on double dates with their co-workers.

A few years pass.

One day, he gives her a ring.

She says yes.

Love is not an emotion she has.

Her hourglass is half-full.

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