You're probably wondering why I told you that story, well, I needed to give you one major piece of information, the tension between my teacher and I was akward af, sometimes we had silent, unspoken wars ( to me at least). But let me give you the real tea. For like 5-8 months straight, we went on 2 math websites every day. It was horrible, all these kids acting like they were better then you cause they had more money on there little math games, like omg, we get it, might as well buy yourself a bf or gf cause your probably never going to get one if you keep acting like that. Speaking of kids who acted like crap, you should have seen the tik tok girls. OMG I CAN'T EVEN GET STARTED ON THEM! WHAT WAS WORSE WAS BOYS AND GIRLS DOING TIK TOK DANCES AND FORTNIGHT EMOTES!!!!!! Our teacher even banned them cause they all did them way to much.
Anyways, about these math games, me and my only 2 best friends in the class got bored. In order to play the second game, you needed to finish the first game, which Gabbie didn't finish before...stuff.. happend. But Jazlyn and I had enough. We were going to do our own thing. That's when one of us ( I don't remember who) remembered something we use to do all the time in 3rd grade....