Blockages are an icky thing that happen to everyone for a multitude of reasons: Stress, tension, repressed emotions, physical ailments, trauma, a lack of grounding, and more. Depending on the severity they can manifest in a way that has you feeling them in/on your physical body - especially if you're energy sensitive.
They are an obstacle in your energy flow and thus bring it out of its normal flow when present. This creates an inbalance in your system and results in different issues including, but not limited to:• Constant fatigue
• Being easily irritated
• Trouble focusing
• Negative feelings
• Trouble grounding, cleansing, or doing other types of energy work
• Being spiritually/magickally "closed off"
• Being unable to express yourself properly🔮So, how do you find a blockage?
You could ask a healer or energy reader that can detect these things. If you want to do it yourself, there are multiple methods. I'm going to list two.🧿Method 1
• Sit down somewhere. It works standing as well, but I prefer sitting.
• Take your hand. If you have a specific technique to make it more energy sensitive, use it now.
• Go over your body with it. Whether you hover over it or touch it is down to preferance; I prefer to hover.
• Send out "sensers" that you glide into your energy system.
• Search through it, if you feel a resistance or an icky feeling somewhere, dig deeper. Maybe the energy is just a bit heavier or thicker there. Maybe it's an energy point. Maybe it's a blockage.
• Do that with your whole body. You DON'T have to be able to reach everywhere, just lengthen your energetic sensers for parts you can't touch/reach, like between your shoulders.🧿Method 2
(This method requires astral traveling.)
• Lie or sit down.
• Get into a comfortable position. If you need to be in a trance or meditative state to Astral Travel, do that here.
• Now, reach one of your astral body's hands out.
• Put it inside your energetic body. It doesn't really matter where - personally, I like to start at the head or feet.
• Make sure to focus on your (Astral) hand and then start to go everywhere in your body with it. Feel it out. Any resistances? Icky feelings? How does the energy feel?
• Take note of any sensations you get. If something feels off, take a closer look.🔮Types of Blockages
@chaosjelly has a really good post about blockages and anomalies here. I will only extend on his list - read it if you haven't before.
🧿1. Messy Thread "Balls". These are blockages that form when energies get cuddled up on their way through your system. These appear as bundles of, most often but not always, thin energy threads. They let energy through, though not as much as if there wasn't a blockage, but not in its regular flow. The energy that comes through is more "confused" and disoriented, often not staying on its original path.
🧿2. Walls. These are similar to the rocks Jelly mentioned. They can be tall, small, thin, thick, rectangular, oval, etc. but they're all very stiff and strong. These let very little if any energy through and often create dams.
🧿3. Dams. These mostly form in combination with other blockages as it's rare that energy starts to accumulate in these amounts without something else being in the way. Dams are exactly that: Accumulations of so much energy at one point that it starts to get thicker and taller until it stays in its place, creating an obstacle for the rest of the energy. How much energy they let through depends on how thick and tall the dam blockage is.
🧿4. Hard Energy. Not necessarily a blockage but still troublesome. Optimally, Energy flows with ease and is flexible in its way. Due to a bunch of different possible reasons it can harden and with that normally slows down. Not rarely it even stops. The rest has to make it's way around it and the energy is more prone to catching unwanted properties.
Witchcraft 101
SpiritualA little manual that l use every day and that l decide sharing It's some of common knowledge and how to practice it in witchcraft The language can be English or Spanish as l feel while writing If you want it in an specific language then comment 💕