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Richie smiled putting Raine in her cribe. 'Abuelas going to watch you today, I have school.' Raine nodded grabbing her favourite teddy, now you may wonder why Richie was speaking with some Spanish to her, her mother was from Spane and Richie wanted to at least have some connection to her routes, and Richie could speak fluent Spanish. 

Richie gave her a kiss on the top of the head sighing. 'I love you, my angel.' Raine smiled making grabby hands. 'I love you too!' Richie walked downstairs waving at his mum. 'Bye! Keep an eye on her.-' Maggie grabbed his collar. 'Daily cheek! I don't need more kids.' Richie rolled his eyes pulling down his collar. 'Nothing! Ok!' He handed her his phone mumbling. 'Why every day? I was up all night studying and keeping an eye on Raine.' 

Maggie sighed. 'I can't be too careful.' She nodded handing him his phone. 'Ok! I love you, and don't do anything!' Richie nodded. 'Love you too, I won't.' Richie exited his house walking to school, he ran up to his friends smiling. 'Hey, fuckers!' Beverly joked. 'Hi, daddy.' 

Richie smiled. 'It's Papi ok?' Stan rolled his eyes. 'God I hate being friends with you sometimes.' Richie pinched Stans's cheeks. 'You love me though.' Stan laughed. 'Yeah sure.' Richie rolled his eyes. 'I have class, I'll see you fuckers later.' Richie smiled a little walking into class sitting down at his normal spot, he smiled a little pulling out his phone, and then something odd happened and someone sat next to him, he turned his head seeing a tanner brunette boy. 'Can I sit here please?'

Richie nodded unlocking his phone. 'Yep.' The boy moved closer. 'That's a cute baby, are they your sibling?' Richie shook his head laughing a little. 'Nope, are you knew?' Eddie nodded. 'Yep! So, who's kid is that then?' Richie answered rubbing the back of his neck. 'Well, she's mine.' 

Eddie choked. 'Mine? So you're a.-' Richie nodded. 'A teenage father.' 

A/N: Odd start but aight.

Teen dad.// Reddie AUWhere stories live. Discover now