Savior Pt.1

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Think of Ateez in this story  from there Wonderland era/Halloween era when they go into battle..


Seonghwa let out aloud sigh as the movie ended and the house lights cameon. He shielded his eyes from the sudden intrusion of light that flooded hissight. When he finally adjusted to the florescent light in the theater heproceeded to head towards the exit. A sweet but delicious smell hit his nosecausing him to stop in his tracks. He quickly scanned the room to find wherethe scent was coming from but couldn't pinpoint it. He felt his teeth elongateslightly aching to sink into whoever was giving off the intoxicating aroma. Ashe ran his tongue over his fangs, he let out a small groan from the feeling itbrought

He made it out the theater only to lose the scent as it was replaced by others that wasn't appealing to him. Once outside he began walking towards his car when he heard someone yelp in pain. Closing his eyes, he focused where the sound was coming from and sprinted towards the side of the building where he saw a group of guys huddled around something.

Hongjoong whimpered as another kick connected to his ribs shooting pain throughout his body. He knew they were cracked or worse yet broken as he tried to shield himself from another blow. Hongjoong had just left the movie with his date when he was ambushed buy a group of guys. When he looked to his date for help, he only saw him lighting up a cig and wave his hand as he walked off. The redheaded boy cried and begged them to stop but his pleas went unheard.

Seonghwa made it halfway down the alley when the sweet scent from earlier hit him hard along with the smell of blood. Raged filled him as he took off in a sprint meeting five men. Without thinking bloodlust took over Seonghwa as his vision went red and began tearing the men apart.

Hongjoong opened his eyes well his one good eye that wasn't swollen when he felt the blows stop. He looked and saw something flashing around the men as each of them let out a blood curling scream before vanishing into the darkness.

Seonghwa drained the last man before tossing his lifeless body against the brick wall satisfied with the loud crack that emitted from it. He licked his lips savoring the crimson liquid on them as a whimper broke him from his trance as he saw the small figure on the ground.

It took everything in Seonghwa to not take the injured human in front of him, the man's blood as well as his scent was calling for him to take the human. The raven hair man tore a piece of his dress shirt to cover his nose as he kneeled beside the injured human.

Hongjoong hissed as the stranger caressed his bruised face "You're severely injured and need to be healed before you can move." Seonghwa stated as he pulled his cell out, looking around to see if anybody saw anything. Hongjoong heard the stranger give his location before hanging up. "I need a hospital please." Hongjoong croaked out feeling his body about to give out. "Don't fight me or else." Came Seonghwa's warning as he bit into his wrist and placed it over the lips of the semi-conscious human.

Metallic copper was all Hongjoong could taste as the liquid made its way down his throat. He should've been grossed out by the action, but he found himself latching on to the stranger's wrist, sucking the crimson liquid like water.

A moan escaped from Seonghwa as he watched the injured human drink from his wrist. The erotic sight had the vampire on cloud nine as the man let his wrist go causing the wound to heal. Seonghwa couldn't stop himself and leaned down to capture the human's lips and moaned at the mixture of blood. Hongjoong couldn't fathom what was happening as darkness finally took him.

A set of car lights pulled up on the pair as Seonghwa shielded his eyes as figures came into view. "What the hell happen here!" Demanded the tall man who was looking at the scattered bodies in the alley way before turning his attention to the unconscious male on the ground.

"I don't know Mingi, I heard this guy calling for help and next thing I know I'm attacking the guys hurting him." Seonghwa replied as he picked up the unconscious male as if he weighed nothing. "Guys were in deep shit." Came the voice as he got up from the ground making his way to the group. "These guys have been branded by the moon convent."

Everyone looked at each other before Mingi ordered half to leave with Seonghwa and the rest stay to clean up the bodies.

On the car ride backto the mansion Hongjoong groaned causing the raven hair vampire to look down athim. Despite looking like a hot mess Seonghwa could tell that the human wasindeed beautiful. His bright red hair set him apart from others and the vampirewondered if it was dyed. But Seonghwa's favorite feature on the human was hisplump pink color lips. Something the vampire looked forward to tasting again

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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