Melting In Your Eyes (Phan)

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It was a dark, cold winter night and the rain was pouring heavily out the window.

The house was quiet, Christmas carols could be heard from the living room, while Dan and Phil were messing with the cutlery, trying to bake some Christmas cookies. 

"I am telling you, we won't manage to bake these cookies without recipes," Phil hit Dan's shoulder playfully. 

"And I believe we'll manage it without any recipes, somehow," Dan grinned and locked eyes with Phil. He was melting in those turquoise blue eyes. 

"Dan, you will burn the mass for the cookies!" Phil exclaimed with laughter, pointing at the mass in the oven. 

"Ah! It's burning!" Dan exclaimed, kneeling in front of the oven. 

"What are you waiting for?!" Phil shouted. "Take it out!" He laughed. 

"No way!" Dan exclaimed. "You idiot" he smiled, a slight laughter escaping his lips. "The steam will burn me!" 

Phil knelt down beside Dan and put his hand on Dan's knee.

Dan grinned, feeling his cheeks burn into a blush. 

"We can always try again. With a recipe though," Phil laughed, framing Dan's face with his hands, making Dan face him. 

"I love you," Phil whispered. 

Dan bent forward placing a kiss on Phil's lips. " I love you too." 

The two smiled like crazy, ignoring the oven burning the cookies mass into black ashes. Dan melted in Phil's crystal eyes, whispering sweet nothings to each other. 

So, this was my first attempt of writing Anything, thanks for taking your time reading it :)

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