Chapter one : decisions decisions

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Jackson POV:
It all started when we were in the car, when she showed me the photo of her and here sister on her 2g phone. I don't know why but when she talked I just kind of lost myself and when I found myself I was looking at her, her laugh was weird but really cute.

"JAEKSUN GET CHANGED" the camera man called out, god why can't they pronounce jackson, why jakesun. As I walked by I saw youngji playing the drums, I pointed at her and glared and walked away while she adorably laughed in silence.

She followed me and explained to the camera about what she told me, about how she thought Taecyeon was cooler, as she was talking, I decided to make her jealous too

"Hara is prettier!" I yelled

And yeah we bickered like usual.

During the night time, me and my little mushroom, oh uh I mean youngji. We found a way to turn off the cameras so we could freely talk and stuff.

I sat on the trampoline she was lying on.

Youngji POV:
"The stars aren't as visible as I remember, remember when there were much more stars? What happened to them?" I wondered out loud
"Because you outshine them" he smiled.
I looked at him and then he started rolling around and I burst out laughing at how cheesy he was.
"Mushroom, are you serious though? You like Taceyeon better than me?" He argued
"Yah! I didn't say that! And you think Hara is prettier? Than go date her!" I said trying not to sound overly jealous
"Well you won't even let me date you!" He said
"I'm a month old debuted idol! I can't start a scandal!"I argued
"You just don't want to date me because I'm short Huh? I'm trying to get taller!" He informed
"It's not that Jackson oh my god" I tried telling him
"Is it because of song ga yeon?" He asked
"What?" I gritted through my teeth
"You like me, I like you, let's date, simple, we just have to keep it in secret"
"Not now" I replied "and what did you do about sunny?"
"Huh? How did you know?" Jackson asked me
"Me and her are good friends... So what happened?"
"Wait, you let her try to get me first? Even though you like me and you knew I obviously liked you? You are some friend." He said
"No, she knew about us, but I didn't encourage her or anything, she said she needed rejection in order to help move on and such" I said "honestly Every Time we're together I feel guilty."
"What about Ryohei?" Jackson asked, I thought they hit it off pretty well
"She actually hasn't said anything about him." I realized
"But back to us-"
"Jackson, please stop, there can't be an us" I replied "anyways you're ex still likes you, I don't want anybody to get hurt because of me, make sure that she is healed first"
"Why do you always have to think of others?" He complained and left me. "I know as an idol it's your job to please others, but it doesn't mean you have to always think about everybody all 24/7, you need to think of yourself sometimes." and he left

This is so frustrating

"Youngji" a voice called "why are you up?"
"Oh um, I couldn't sleep." I lied
"So, are you and Jackson..."
"No.." I replied "I think that we could stay friends."
"Friends?" Sunny laughed "You're not holding back because of me right?"
"No- well. A small part, but this is mostly for my career" I responded honestly
"You're so lucky" Sunny smiled "I'm jealous"
"Huh? Wae unnie?"
"Because, you just started, you have a dream, goals, you want to keep doing all this, it's something that you want to do and love to do"
"You don't.."
"At first I was like you, I was so happy to sing, dance, and be in the spotlight, my dream came true, but now look at me, It's not something I want to do anymore, it's something that I have to do now. I sure do regret it." She bitterly smiled "If jackson ever gets to the point where he questions why he ever came to Korea and became an idol, give him hope, before it's too late and he'll end up like me."
"Why do you want me to stay by his side?" I asked
"He doesn't want me by his side, he wants you, and you guys will need each other later"

Jackson POV:
II clicked on a photo that my fans tagged me in, huh? what's jyp_confessions?

I scrolled through some and found a person who said me and youngji are their OTP, I saw many positive reactions, but there was a comment that said they will never accept us. I roll over and looked up at my ceiling, maybe me and youngji should just stay friends? I looked at another page, jackji90? on the page I saw a bunch of photos of me and Youngji in the same room, looking at each other.. So that's what I look like when I'm looking at her? OW! I winced when my phone dropped on my face, Oh my gosh, I did not know I had a pimple that day did she see? huh. We're just friends, I shouldn't worry about things like that.

"Jackson.." Kangjun murmured "Why aren't you asleep?"
"Hyeong, I need some advice"
"Sure, what it is jaeksun?"
my eyebrow twitched when he said jaeksun
"Okay well, my friend.. likes this girl, theyre all idols right? and um well, my friend wants to date her but she had just debuted and she doesnt want to ruin her image since you know.. so he doesnt know whether he should stand out of the way or he should keep trying for her"
"Well, youngji did really just debut, just give it some time"
"But I don't want to lose- wait youngji? how did you.."
"Come on the whole entire house knows" Kangjun replied "It's so obvious, now get some sleep okay? Don't think about it too much"
"Arasseo Hyeong, good night"


I looked at my phone, it was youngji texting me on her new phone.

'Jackson, go steal the film from last night if you mentioned my name in any room take the film from it! they did something to the cameras so we can't turn it off, theyre coming in a couple minutes balli!!!'

Oh shit.

Hey guys! So how did you like my first chapter, I don't know if I should turn this to my own, or should I write this according to the events occurred during the show roommate to make it more realistic? Let me know in the comments! I promise this will get better this fanfic will hopefully get better, this is also for people who don't know about jackji so it's just a little bit of information to fill in. :)

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