Part 9

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As soon as I reached the ground, I was greeted by Mrs. Kim.

"Oh Jungkook, I was just about to call you down. Here, have some cookies while you spy on your beloved husband," she smiled, and I looked at the tray filled with freshly baked cookies that Jimin loved so much.

"Actually Mrs. Kim, I'm planning to go back already. Jimin was doing the house chores non-stop when he should be resting. I don't want him to get too tired and could possibly harm himself and the baby because of that," I ranted to the middle-aged woman in front of me.

She just smiled kindly at my concern before placing the tray on the table near the tree. I followed behind her, not wanting to just dash back home and show disrespect to the kind old lady.

She brushed away the leaves that was stuck on my shirt and my hair before she patted my arm in a motherly way.

"Well Jungkook sweetie, as a person who have been a housewife for a long time, I can say that we housewives felt accomplished when we see that our house was in great condition. Laundry done, no dirty dishes, rooms cleaned, and the whole house squeaky clean" she started softly, inviting me to seat at the table.

"We want our husband to be happy and comfortable when he gets home, not having to worry about the house after being tired at work all day long," she said as I munched off her chocolate chip cookies.

"But he was exerting himself Mrs. Kim. What can I do to prevent him from doing so?"

"There's nothing you can do except for doing it together with him. Reduce his load. You can't totally stop Jimin from doing it because it would make him feel like he didn't contribute anything in your relationship" she advised.

"You are already the breadwinner, and now you want to do the house chores too? Jimin would feel sad and he would feel like he was burdening you," she continued.

"He did not, in fact, having him by my side is the only reason I could survive facing all that paperwork and meetings at work," I slightly pouted as I took the third cookie.

Or fourth?

Mrs. Kim laughed probably looking at my pout before she pinched my cheeks that was filled with her cookies.

"Then tell him that. Tell it to his face every day before you go to work so that he knows that he was helping you in some way that he didn't know before. Now, go to your husband. I believe you guys have some house chores to finish, together" she said as we stood up.

"Thank you for the advice Mrs. Kim. Actually, do you mind if I want to bring the cookies back to Jimin? He said that he had been craving for your cookies since last week and I had always forgotten to tell you that," I scratched the back of my neck while smiling guiltily.

"Of course, I wouldn't mind Jungkook. Tell Jimin that the next time he craves for some, just give me a call and I'll be at your front door with my famous freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Wait here, I'll pack a whole bunch for you two cuties," she exclaimed while happily walking to her house.

After she gave me the whole bunch of cookies, I thanked her and quickly walked home to Jimin.

I struggled to open the front door because of the cookies but still managed to do so.

As soon as I closed the door, I heard happy footsteps of Jimin coming to greet me.

And a few seconds later, a slightly sweating Jimin appeared, probably still doing house chores when I had my small talk with Mrs. Kim.

"Jungkook, you're back early! Oh, what is this? Wait, don't tell me, I know. The cookies from Mrs. Kim, right? Oh my god you finally bring it home! Thank you, Kookie!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly and launched himself to hug me.

I burst out laughing looking at my excited mate and put down the boxes of cookies down slowly to return Jimin's hug.

"Be careful, Jimin. Our baby might get squished in your belly because you hug me so tight," I chuckled as I cupped his cheek and lifted it up to look at his face.

He gasped and pulled away so quickly that fortunately I had one of my arms around him if not, he would already fall backward due to the sudden movement.

"I'm so sorry my baby, I didn't mean to do that. It was because I was so excited to see Kookie appa brings back the cookies you are craving. I'm sorry baby," Jimin muttered while rubbing his belly gently.

My heart swelled at the sight in front of my eyes.

He was so precious.

They were so precious to me.

I would do everything in my power to protect them.

"Baby, I'm home," I said softly and Jimin lifted his face to look at mine.

He gave me his famous eye smile while flashing his teeth. There was a little shade of pink on his cheeks and he looked so hot with the sweat trickling down his temple and his heavy breathing wasn't helping either.


I got hard.

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