OG(Original)!Black(My First OC)

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Yep, this time i will be showing my First and Ever OC(aside from Kurou and his blind self), Hope you like It! KyngKai14

Name:Black (Just Black)

Nickname (Or Codename):Deathwalker, "Dead Human" and "B"

Age: 18


Personality: (With friend)Comedic, energict and Funny guy, very kind and a bit stupid, calm too, and pesimits

(With enemies):Cold, Crazy and Calm, but in a scary way. Brutal and acts like a Killer

Likes:Games, seeing Happy people, EX-47(His Best friend), see the harem protagonists suffer (like Shido from Date a Live) and Spicy Food

Dislikes(or hates):Pervs, Issei(DXD), people who think they are powerfull when they aren't, and suicide.

Weapons: Ruthless Claws

Weapons: Ruthless Claws

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Ruthless Knifes

Power: Deathwalker

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Power: Deathwalker

He's Immune to heavy damages(Such as stabbing in the chest or blowing his arm, like a zombie but berserker mode) and use it as Strength to fight

When this Activates, black aura surrounds him and his eyes glows crimson red

He is like this:

He is like this:

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

" While is true that people are cruel and cold most of the time, it's because they are scared from being betrayed or abused, or that's what i think

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

" While is true that people are cruel and cold most of the time, it's because they are scared from being betrayed or abused, or that's what i think... because everyone says that death will make you feel calm...then again, i have seen the Grimm Reaper Itself and believe me. ITS. NOT. CALM."

"Death isn't something to joke about, but who i am to judge?"


"Who am i? Just a guy who protetcs the people i trust. And maybe a Survivor, if you prefer."


"I never did something good, but if you say something about MY family, I. WILL. DESTROY YOU."

"Well that's a rap, Im already done!"

|-----------/it's Over!/----------|

Black:Hello guys! It's me, your sexiest Deathwalker! Or zombie... whatever you want to call me, i hope you liked my bio! If not...ñeh who cares, anyway i have to say goodbye because the author it has been slacking.


Black:¿What? Is true. Anyway, See ya next time!

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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