One day in the summer after the school year ended June 4th, I got an email on the school gmail account and it said get ready for the biggest change to the school yet and if they raised only one hundred more dollars they could build and reveal what they were going to build. They got the money in a record breaking two hours. They said on the website that they were building a hockey rink and I am so happy. I went to the school the next day and saw that they actually started to build. I couldn't believe we were actually get a rink because now I can play my friends at FCDS!
I am having a good summer so far and I was going to sleepaway camp in New Hampshire. I left in three weeks and I was going to go for four weeks and have a day in between with my parents and my brother who also goes to the camp. I wish he was my cabin because sometimes it's good to have a companion you really know and love. After all he is only one thousand feet away and I still see him every day. A lot of my friends from last year are here and my great friend from last year Eddie is back from Texas. I got my schedule and I go to the same stuff every other day. I'm happy that I got riflery because this year I get to shoot a 22 which is a small not so loud rifle. I also got new stuff like sailing, snorkeling, archery and stuff like that.
--(Skip one week into camp)--
I am a great shot with a 22 I learned after getting three bullseye’s in three days. I also found out I like to sail, and here is my schedule.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Boy’s Swim
Free Time
Evening Activity
Free Time
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Land Sports
Free Time
Camp Craft
Free Time
Evening Activity
--(Two weeks later)--
It’s been two weeks and I am with my brother and parents. We are having a great time. My Ray-Bans® came and we were going to Dartmouth college campgrounds to look around today. Were going there because we are only twenty minutes from our hotel. My mom gave me an update and told me the rink was almost done and there would be an ice skating session right as we got home in two weeks. I was so excited for the rink and the second session!