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As time passed I began to accept my fate. Living with the Gods.. that is something I never imagined would ever happen to me. Frequently, Goku and Vegeta came her to train with Whis. And while They were off planet, Whis even trained me. After all, The only think I knew was common martial arts.. absolutely nothing like Goku or Vegeta. After all, I am only human. Wait.. would I even still be considered a human now that I am immortal?

"Lady Jenn?" Whis knocked me out of my thoughts making me glance over at him.


"Are you ready for your training session?"

"Ah.. Yeah. Give me a moment to get ready."

"Of course." The God of Destruction's mentor stepped out of the room and I rolled out of bed to grab my training outfit. A simple black Gi. Wonder what he plans to teach me today? I already know how to control my Ki. To fly. Fire projectiles.. You know, the simple stuff. As I changed, I called out to Whis.

"Hey, Whis? I have a question." I called out as I tied gi strap around my waist. The tall male peeks into the room to make sure I was dressed before entering.

"Ask away, Lady Jenn." He chimes with his usual smile.

"So.. let's say.. I get bored of being immortal...? I won't age anymore and all of my friends are gonna die around me. Like.. Goku, Vegeta and everyone else.. I don't wanna see that happen.." Whis's smile had vanished once he heard the saddness in my tone.

"I understand your concern. But My Lord is very adamant on you staying with him until his time comes. And once that happens, if you would like, I will set you free."

How does that help anything? Who knows how long Beerus will live for. He's a God.. And you know, those being live for hundreds and thousands of years. I only sigh as I pull my hair up into a high pony-tail.

"I don't understand why he even likes me. I'm just a human. No one special.." I mumble as I walked passed him. "I would be a little better if I could go back to earth and live in my own home. Ya'll pretty much kidnapped me."

Whis only sighed. I get like this sometimes.. Angry.. probably because I am extremely home sick.

"Lady Jenn.. would you like to come with us whenever we go to earth? I know Lady Bulma sometimes has good food for us," Him saying this seemed to slightly lighten up my mood. At least I will get to see my friends again.

"Of course."

----------------------------------------Time Skip------------------------------------------

"Wait, wait so.. You're immortal now?!" Bulma asked, taking a sip of her wine as we watched Goku and Beerus fight off in the distance.

"I guess so.. That is what he told me. Nothing I can do about it now, I guess." I sighed, I also taking a sip of wine. "He doesn't want me to die of old age."

".. You're gonna remain Young like you are forever? Lucky-"

"Hey. I did not ask for this-"

"You didn't? So.. he did this without you knowing?"

"Yeah! The first time he took me back to his temple, I woke up and they're like 'Oh, you're immortal now' So... yeah." A grumble as I take a longer sip of the wine.

"That's not right." Bulma stated, shaking her head with a frown. As we finished talking, Whis, who was making himself a huge ass plate of food, finally returned to the table. He happily set the plate down with a hum.

"Oh, Lady Bulma. Your food always smells and looks so delicious!" And there he goes, stuffing his mouth. Bulma replied with a chuckle and 'Thank you.' Ugh, This is gonna be a long evening.

|| So, I am trying to get back into this. Trying~!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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