1. The Sword

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we go to the castle of the rainbow kingdom to see a small white creature with red, blue and yellow orbs on the sides of his head with a little red cape and a scepter, he is the Rainbow King, he is getting things prepared for an important arrival saying

Rainbow King: we must hurry! they will be here soon!

in the wishing tree we see a little boy with white clothes, purple shoes and purple hair, his name is Zee, we see him trying to get the wishes to calm down saying

Zee: wishes please, they will go away once they get the offering

but Zee fell when one of the bouncing wishes hit him, we then go to a crystal castle to see a bunch of grizmos running around getting crystals into a huge crate then to see a little girl wearing a red dress, a crystal crown on her head, crystal shoes and blonde hair, her name is Grizelda, Grizelda was trying to calm her dog Frookie down saying

Grizelda: Frookie! it's going to be alright! Frookie!

we then go to mushroom town to see a black cat[that is Bartleby] walk out of the mushroom house with a purple mushroom on the top saying

Bartleby: sure hope this month works out better then the other ones

???: what's the use?

Bartleby got shoved a little when a little girl came out of the same mushroom house wearing yellow boots, rainbow socks, white shirt, pink skirt, a back pack with one strap and three containers that hold three wishes, blue hair and a head band on her hair, her name is True, she was not feeling her usual self today saying

True: it's just like the other times, I tell you what place I'm going to set up the party, you and the others go to the rainbow castle to prepare something, I finish getting the party ready and wait for all of you to come, then a few hours later it's night time and I fall asleep knowing you and the others didn't come

Bartleby: this time it's going to be different, yesterday, Rainbow King told us we're going to try and make it a quick thing, then we'll go to the place you want the party to be at

True: Bartleby! just... leave me alone, please

Bartleby was surprised about True yelling at him and watched her walk into the never ending forest, we follow True to see her stomp through the never ending forest with anger not knowing where she is going until she looked to see what she kicked and saw a yellow cracked helmet on the ground, she looked up to see a bunch of knight armor all over where she walked in and looked back to see a sign that says "knight graveyard" and became scared but shook it off remembering what day it is and continued through the graveyard but couldn't shake the feeling that someone is watching her, when she looked back she saw the ghost of a knight and jumped away from it and looked around seeing other ghost nearing her until a glowing red light came in and scared away the ghosts making them say

ghosts of knights: it's him! flee! get away from him!

when the ghost left True was about to thank the red light until it said

???: follow me

True did what the light said and followed it to a sword in a stone and when True started to back away a bit saying

True: I have a bad feeling about that sword, plus I'm not much of a fighter

???: that sword will tell you why the kingdom haven't been able to come to the party you've been preparing, it's because of a group of robots

True: robots?

???: yes, adult robots, most of them are pirates though

True: pirates!?

???: please let me finish, each month the robot pirates come and get their offering and leave, that's also the time when they come to see you asleep, not to mention it was funny that you fell asleep with your face into the cake [chuckles]

True: it was one time

???: anyway, once you pull this sword, you will soon know the truth about the rainbow kingdom

True: but the rainbow kingdom has always been peaceful since Rainbow King found this place

???: it became peaceful when this sword struck into this stone 500 years ago, pull it out and you will know the truth about the rainbow kingdom

when the red light finished talking True walked up to the sword and when she touched the hilt she saw a flash and saw she was in some kind of temple and saw many windows above them and when she looked forward she saw an adult wearing light blue armor and a blue cape with his hand on the hilt of the sword in the ground, when the knight looked up he saw True in front of him and said

??? knight: interesting, it's been 10 years since my last challenger, I have been part of this sword for 500 years and today's the day the sword comes out of the stone, through a battle

True took a step back when the knight stood up and pulled the sword out of the ground and held it with two hands in front of him saying

??? knight: I am Richard Smoon, and this sword can only come out if you truly are the child of my family, grab this training sword and hold it in your hands with a stance

when True caught the training sword she closed her eyes and held it in her hands in the stance Smoon is in and he was surprised of what he saw with True opening her eyes seeing the stance she's in with Smoon saying

Richard Smoon: the day has come, prepare yourself child! you must not hold back and neither will I!

with Smoon swinging his sword around then back into the stance he was in starts the battle.

battle 2

Heroes: True
Villains: Richard Smoon

the two were going at it, clashing swords, destroying the temple making the stones on the roof fall down making the two move around dodging the stones until the two clashed their swords and are trying to push each other away until True felt a surge of power and pushed Smoon away and started to swing her sword at Smoon until he fell to the ground with True putting her sword down and held out her hand for peace between them with Smoon saying

Richard Smoon: the day has arrived, you have the heart of a great Smoon, run to the castle and you will see why they weren't able to come to the party

when Smoon grabbed True's hand it made a flash and when it was over True opened her eyes to see she is back in the knight graveyard of the never ending forest and saw the stone without the sword and then she exited the graveyard and ran to the castle, when she left the graveyard a black mist came out of the stone with a black gauntlet coming to the stone and moved with a voice saying

???: I'm back

and with that ends the chapter.

looks like True pulled the sword out of the stone and not know there was a great evil waiting to be released, see you all later in the next chapter, t-t-f-n, ta-ta-for-now!

word count: 1250

True and the rainbow kingdom: True and the robot invasionWhere stories live. Discover now