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Have a great night.

Those words kept replaying in my mind, and everytime I'd think about the tone of his voice, my stomach would tighten. He must've thought I was a creep, staring at him like that. 

With a deep sigh, I go into the kitchen, grabbing the trash and putting on a coat, still half asleep.  As I walk I get lost in my thoughts,  just blankly staring at my moving feet. 

I am so deep in my thoughts that I don't notice the blonde man waving at me, and I straight up bump into him, dropping all of the bags on the sidewalk. He looks up, giving me a quick smile and fixing his clothes. 

I blankly stare at his eyes - which are astoundingly blue - not noticing that I'm shivering for the low temperatures. Then I awkwardly stick my hands into my pockets, managing to return the smile.

"Hello, we haven't got a chance to introduce each other. I'm Roger." 

We shake hands and I quickly swallow the knot in my throat, picking up the bags I've dropped.

He flashes another smile, this time bigger, and I feel my face heating up.  I take a breath, looking at him.

"Welcome to the neighbourhood. You know, this house has been empty for years, it's good to see the lights finally on. I mean, not that I stare at the house like a maniac, It's just that we thought no one would buy it... It's not like there's something wrong with it but-"

He chuckles a little, staring at me with a fun look. I blush even more, feeling the urge to cover my face and run away. 

"Thank you, I was planning to visit every house to introduce myself, but I guess I don't have to come to yours now."

"Well, you can come anyway! I mean, if you want to..." 

He chuckles again and nods, starting to walk back inside.

"I'll see you around, Brian." 

"For sure...!"

I bite my lip pretty hard, and with a long sigh, I  walk back home, feeling my heartbeat pumping in my ears.

As soon as I step inside, I reach out to grab our phone, dialing my friend's number and nervously playing with the cord.


"Freddie, I need help!"

"Brian? It's 8 am... So, unless it's a life or death thing, I'm hunging up."

"No, wait! Please... You're really good at this type of things."

He sighs, and I hear a few noises on the other end.

"Okay, tell me."

"A new neighbor moved in recently. And on halloween I brought the kids out in our street, and we went up to this house, which I thought it was empty."

"So? You got a crush on the owner?" He chuckles loudly, and I just fall silent, biting my lip again.

"Oh my god, you do..."
"Well, uh, no not yet. I just think he's good looking." I say, almost whispering. Then I shrug lightly, covering my face.
"The thing is, I'm awkward!" I cry, trying to be as quiet as possible to avoid waking my kids.

"Listen, darling... Just be yourself. He can't be that intimidating."

"You haven't seen him, Fred-"

"Just because he's good looking  it doesn't mean he's someone you should be scared of. Plus, you're good looking as well. You got nothing to worry about!" 

I sigh in relief, nodding.

"Thanks Fred. You always know what to say. Oh, and  remember our dinner on friday, and bring Jim, he's fun!"

"I will, bye bye!" He immediately hungs up, and I stare at the door, still thinking about what happened and my embarassing weirdness. 

Then I sigh, letting myself fall on the couch. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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