The story

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Riker's POV
We were in class and the teacher was pairing us up to do a porject "Riker Lynch and Claire Cullen" the teacher said i rolled my eyes but inside i was pretty excited i glanced her way and she wasn't even paying attention she was writing something on a piece of scratch paper then the bell rang i walked over to her desk and leanded on it "so i guess were partners" i said i guess we are" she said and gave a faint smile i could tell that something was bothering her "um do you want to come over after school to get started" i asked "sure" she responded then got up and left. After school i was sitting in my room when the doorbell eung i was the only one home i ran down stairs and opened the door "hey" i said "hey" she said back "come on in" i said stepping aside for her to enter "thank you" she said sweetly i smiled "lets go to my room" "ok" she responded i smiled and led her to my room and we got started on the project after two hours of working we decided to stop for the day and were just talking "so is everything ok?" I asked her "yeah everythings fine why you ask" she responded "look i know that everythings not fine what happened why won't you let anyone in u won't even let me in" i asked softly a tear rolled down her cheek "do u really want to know what happend" she asked "yes i do" i said she took a deep breath

Claire's POV

"ok so a few years ago i wasn't like this i wore bright clothes was happy all the time kinda like how Nalley is outside of school anyway i met this boy I instantly fell in love woth him I was 15 and he was 18 everything was great for the first few months then he changed when he turned 19 he was goin out everynight and i was living with him he was coming home late everynight and one night he came home and did something i never thought he would do...he hit me hard in the face and everynight he came home he hit me and i trusted him so i told him everything so he new my weakness' then it got worse he beat me daily and raped me a few times i tryed to leave i was living in new york at the time so i tryed to escape but he always found me before i could leave one day wile he was sleeping i packed my bags and left I moved to L.A. and started a new life luckly he never found me i call it a accident like the relaitonship was a accident but was it life trying to teach me something but it changed me he changed me i made a vow that day that i would never fall in love again cuz last time he hurt me" i finished and got up off his bed and walked over to his dresser across the room and started looking at his pics "and now" he said i turned around and looked at him "Riker plz tell me that u didn't fall in love with me" i said "im sorry but i can't tell you that. But look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't love me" he said walking closer to me "fine I-..." I stared into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes and couldn't finish i let out my breath "can't tell you that" i said he smiled "i figured" he said i playfully rolled my eyes witch made him laugh a little he then put his hand on my cheek amd kissed me it was full of passion and love i quickly kissed back the kiss lasted for a few minutes then we pulled back "i will never do anything to hurt you i promise" he said softly i smiled "will you be my girlfriend" he asked

A/N so that was the accident pretty tragic backstory😭 any way what do u think she will say does she trust Riker ?

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