Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Laura and I am a wereleopard so I shift into a leopard. I am also the last of my clan so I am the only wereleopard left. My clan got attacked by werewolves so I basically hate them, since their kind killed my family. I use to be a happy girl but not I am all depressed since my family died. If I ever see the werewolves who killed my clan I will kill them for killing my family.

I still go to school but I hide my scent in case there are other kinds of were’s especially werewolves. I go to school with other were’s as well as humans. I have brown hair with brown eyes as well as a slender body and I shift into a normal leopard which is brown with black spots. Before I begin I would like to tell you that I am a loner so I don’t talk to anyone unless it is necessary.

The day is like any other day at school except for when lunch came around. When lunch came around I got my disgusting lunch then went over to my table. After I started eating I smelt a smell that I never want to see which is the werewolves. I looked over to see where they were at which is at the school line getting food.

I looked to see a couple of guys and also some of their mates. When I looked over to what I think is the leader to see him sniff the air. After he stopped sniffing the air the werewolf looked over in my direction. To my horror I see him whisper something to his friend, then start walking toward me.

I decided instead of just sitting here I get up and start walking out the back doors that are in the cafeteria. When I am almost to the doors I hear a growl which is from the mutt. I took off in a sprint to the door once I made it outside I went to the woods.

Once I made it safely into the forest I shifted into my leopard and took off toward my house. Before I could get far I was tackled into the ground. When I looked up to see who tackled me it is a huge black wolf. After I took a sniff I realized that it is the werewolf that was following me so I froze.

I hissed at him to see if he would get off of me, but all he did was growl louder. To my next horror he bent his head down and bit me where my shoulder and neck met. While he was biting me I realized that the werewolf is marking me as his. After he let go I looked in his eyes to see love. I can see my blood dripping from his mouth so I tried to get out from underneath him, but he just put more of his weight on me.

Finally the werewolf got off of me, but instead of leaving he shifted back to his human form. I can see that his eyes are fully black which means he is mad.

“Why did you run from me mate?” the werewolf said while growling

I shifted back to my human form so I can talk to him better. When I shifted back I can see his eyes look me up and down.

“I ran from you since I hate all werewolves” I said while standing up

“Well my little mate I won’t let anyone hurt you ever” the werewolf said while pulling me to his chest

“Let me go you stupid dog” I said while squirming in his arms

“You can squirm all you want I am not letting you out of my arms” the werewolf said while tightening his arms

“Why did you bite me anyways dog” I said while stop squirming

The werewolf pulls me back a little to look at me while talking.

“The bite I gave you was me marking you as mine so that all other males would know that you are mine” the werewolf  said while smiling at me

“Well I don’t want to be yours” I said while squirming in his arms again

Next thing I know I am hanging over his shoulder looking at his butt. When he starts walking I hear him start talking.

“You are mine mate and I am going to make sure that you know it so you will never leave my sight” the werewolf said wrapping one of his arms around my legs pinning them to his chest so I won’t kick him

“You can’t keep me forever I will find a way out and away from you” I said while hitting his back

“My name is Damon and I am a alpha, now what is your name mate?” Damon said while completely ignoring what I said

“My name is Laura” I said with a sigh

I hear him say my name under his breath like he is memorizing it. I look at the ground longing to go run from him.

“It is a beautiful name mate” Damon said while stopping

When I try to look to see where we are I am lifted up and set on the ground. I look up in front of me to see a huge house which I realized that it is the pack house. Damon starts dragging me to the front door then inside the house.

“Wow it’s beautiful” I said with awe

I look over at Damon when I hear him chuckling. I look at his face to see that he has a huge smile on. I turn red when I realized that he heard me.

“Glad you like it since the house is also yours” Damon says then looks at my confused expression “it is also yours since you will be Luna to the pack” Damon said with a smile

I frown at the Luna part since I didn’t want to be a part of a dogs pack. Damon looks over at me when I frown at him.

“Why don’t you go sit on one of the couches while I make us something to eat” Damon said while walking into the kitchen

I sit on one of the couches waiting for him to come back. I decided to watch some TV. while Damon is making food. I put it on SpongeBob since I love the show a lot.

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