A Mistletoe

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Moxy takes a mug of hot chocolate and offers it to the blonde boy. "How about some hot chocolate Lou? It'll help you keep warm." He stops rubbing his gloved hands together. Then takes the mug from Moxy, smiling. "Thanks Moxy." He sips the drink with a loud slurp. Wrapping his scarf around his neck. Lou hated the cold, he wasn't fond of the weather in this type of month. But it made him appreciate his lovely home more. He would've just stayed at home, snuggling in his bed's duvet and watch some Christmas movies. If it wasn't for a certain doll at the party. "No problem Lou, wanna get your present now or..?" She pauses waiting for a response. Lou smiles at the shorter doll. "Not yet. I was just wondering but, where's Mandy?" He asks, taking off his purple gloves. Putting them in his coat left pocket. Moxy looks over to her living room. "She's in there with the others. Hang on, why do you want to know where she is huh?" She questions with a cheeky grin. Moxy has noticed some signs that Lou may have a crush on her: Helping Mandy with the street's Christmas decorations, joining her and Mandy with cooking heck! He even offered to help Mandy with cleaning. A chore that he despises. A small hint of red appears on Lou's cheeks, "Not any particular reason. A-anyway she's a friend, can I not wonder where a friend is?" He says with a some stuttering in his speech. Moxy rolls her eyes playfully, "Ok then~ I'm off to talk with Ox! See ya Lou." She waves goodbye before leaving the doll. He gives out a long sigh before entering the living room.

His eyes immediately land on the one he was finding. Mandy. She was chatting with Tuesday, a huge grin plastered on her face. Enjoying the company of her friends. Lou groans, wondering how he can get Mandy alone with him. He wants to finally confess his love for the doll, he can't keep in his love for her anymore. Moxy has notice how odd he acts to Mandy so somebody else will. So he might as well now. His eyes darts to the side thinking of a way to get her alone or confess to her. Maybe do both of these things together. Suddenly something caught his eye. A mistletoe! A smirk forms as he picks it up from the table. The plant that's considered to increase life and fertility. If he could get his self and Mandy underneath the plant, he could finally kiss her. He looks back to see Mandy was now alone, he quickly walks behind her. Now is his chance! "Hey beautiful~" After he said this, Lou closes his eyes and puckered out his lips. Lifting the mistletoe over his head. But nothing happened He opens his left eyes to see that she disappeared. Lou searches for the girl confused as to where she went. To view that she was somehow with Nolan. Anger boils in his chest. He still has a hatred to Nolan, especially when he was the one suggested about the washing machine. Along with his jealousy when ever he sees Mandy talking with male dolls. Every time Lou sees Mandy with another male he worries that the male is flirting with her. That she'll spend less time with him because of another. Lou shakes his head, trying to get the thought of Mandy leaving him out of his head. 'Like I'm going to let Nolan take what's mine!' Lou thought before stomping over to the two. With a determined look.

"Oh, hi Lou! How are-" Mandy was interrupted by Lou. "Fine dear. Nolan could you leave me and Mandy alone?" He asks, trying to not sound as if he demanded Nolan to leave. He gives an odd look at Lou, "W-why? Me and Mandy were having a nice con-" Lou shoots a glare at the timid doll. "I don't care if you were having a nice conversation. Mine is more important so move." Nolan flinches scared of what Lou would do. Mandy tilts her head, confused as to Lou's sudden harshness. "F-fine then. I'll go, see you later Mandy." Nolan groans, some venom in his voice staring at the blonde doll. But smiles at Mandy before leaving the two. "Erm Lou, are you feeling ok?" Mandy asks as Lou warmly smiles, "Y...yeah I just." He pauses, beginning to blush. His heart felt as if it was hitting against his chest, so he'd thought it would burst out. Mandy could he was anxious so she places her hand on his shoulder. To comfort him and help him calm down, "Lou, I let you have a minuet. If there's-" Lou closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe in and out. He didn't get how a girl like Mandy would make him so nervous. The feeling hurts and he wants to get rid of it. "Just, close your eyes for a second." She was confused by the odd request but does as he says and closes them. He takes out the mistletoe, lifting the plant up between them. Lou does his signature flirty smirk, "Open your eyes~" Mandy views Lou's smirk. Her cheeks turn pink, "L-look up." His blue eyes dart up, for her to see the mistletoe. Mandy gulps, "You... wanna k-kiss me?" "Well not only that." He leans his face closer to hers. Their lips inches away from one another, "I want to say... I love you. You're one of the dolls I care for a lot, heck, you're the only one I care for. You were the only doll who wanted to help me and... I want to thank you for that. Now~ Let me return the favor~" Lou plants his lips with Mandy's with no hesitation. Mandy froze, clearly surprised and nervous since this was her first kiss. Soon she leans into the kiss, placing her right hand onto his neck. The two continue to kiss until, they hear people around them began to holler or whistle at the two. They part and their eyes met, showing a growth in their feelings of each other. Mandy smiles shyly, darting her eyes to the side embarrassed. "Looks like Mandy finally got herself a boyfriend!" Moxy jokes as she lifts up her drink. Lou chuckles as Mandy becomes even more flustered, Lou notices her embarrassed look and smirks. Finding her cute when flustered. He uses his thumb to lift her chin, so she's facing him. "Merry Christmas doll." He winks. For her to pout, "Y-yeah, merry Christmas Louis. I love you~" Mandy quickly gives him a peck on his lips once more. Before jogging to Moxy and giggle. Lou smiles, knowing that Mandy liked him the same he did with her. His cute doll. 

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