Chapter 1 - An Unfortunate Capture

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This was a really odd way to punish criminals. Extremely effective in the way it bored you half to death and I spent a lot of the time staring into the air in front of me confused and unconcentrated.

Wait. Was I even a criminal? I have no idea. I did break Borgia law. But I don't feel like a criminal, what I did was justified, what any sane rational person would have done.

I was dangling off a bridge by my wrists. The Templars hadn't killed me, they want me to suffer for the few days I'd survive without food and water. I couldn't see very much, as my will power to move my head was a complete zero. My hands will probably fall off, maybe a tear at my wrists; my weak body would descend to rocks below, and my hands would be left gripping the rope. It was really going to hurt.

My dress was covered in blood, mostly Templars. I was angry, stupid and reckless. They killed my twelve children half a week ago, in cold blood.

In my sorrow, I clawed my way up the Castle Castillo's walls (the Templars main stronghold in Roma). I have no idea how I survived. I was to pumped with adrenaline to even notice that I had been shot in the leg twice. I found an Assassin in a cell, and I let him out.

Sitting in the darkness, all alone, was that creature. He remained to the shadows, and it was extremely hard to hear his breathing. Maybe that is a trait of theirs, I am not sure, I have never met one before. Something made me stop and think when I saw him; what stopped me I am not sure, but my mind reeled in curiousness. I knew very little of their so-called Brotherhood, as they never bother peasants like me, they go after 'bigger game'. They hunt Templars as their prey, staying in the shadows, lowering the amount of witnesses wherever they can.

When I pulled open the huge steel lock that bound him there, he looked up at me, confused as for why. I glanced at him for a moment, not really sure where to look, and then ran past, continuing through the corridors. I did not want to stare at him for long, as Assassins were almost like a different species. He may have killed me as a witness, so I thought it best to leave before he had the chance to slit my throat.

It was probably another fifteen minutes before a guard grabbed me, took me down. They kept me in a cell similar to the Assassin's for a day or so, but then decided that my punishment was to hang here by my wrists until I died, I suppose.

I was way past crying, pleading or screaming. I was way past anything. I had been here for days. Every now and again, people would try and help me become free, but the Templars arrest them. No one tries anymore.

I stared into the air, no thoughts, no emotions, nothing.

My hands are covered in blood. I finally burst out into tears. It was night, and no one was around. No one to see me in my grief. I wanted to see my children. But that was never going to happen. I wish I could have died with them. And here I am, hanging suspended to a castle bridge.

Suddenly, something rustled. It was faint, but it was still there. I couldn't turn to see. I didn't want to see. Maybe it was finally time that the Templars killed me.

But there is was again. The sound. It sounded like climbing. Nothing like the climbing I did up this very wall. My sounds were more scrambly, but slower. This climbing wad faster, but it had a rhythm, making it sound graceful. I got caught up in the poetic sound. It was the most beautiful sound I had heard for a long time. Even though it sounded pretty, I started to panic. Who was this, climbing up to me? I was probably dreaming.


My ropes were breaking! How? Was someone cutting it?! I was going to die, no, no, no! Not like this! NO! I am going to die like this, and it isn't even a little bit graceful, like the climbing sound.

"NO! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME LIKE THIS!" I shrieked over my sobbing in a thick Italian accent in my native tongue. It continued.

"So be it! I HOPE YOU ALL ROT IN HELL!" I prepared for the fall. My wrists loosened, and I started to plummet. Firstly the shock of the fall made me screech but then relief flooded me and I stopped. But I didn't hit the ground. I someone caught me.

"Greetings." said the hooded stranger.

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