Chapter 1 🦋

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                                        Monday 9th July
Warm water fell, it soothed the pain in Eddies lower back. It was just after PE that Henry Bowers had pushed him into the fence and one of the broken wires had scratched his back. The waters so warm he thought as he closed his eyes and daydreamed.

After 2 minutes or so Eddie got out of the shower drying the honey suckle smelling curls that sat dripping on the eye lashes of his urban eyes. He looked up at his locker and unlocked it with the code. He began to get changed when he felt someone bump into his back bringing back the pain. He turned around to see an angel, he had black curls that framed his perfect cheek bones. A pair of wonky, black glasses sat on the bridge of his nose and he wore a black T with ripped, denim jeans.
'Ah..u-uh sorry' he chuckled scratching the back of his curls.
Eddie looked up at the angel who stood before him before replying with, 'oh no I-it's fine'.
The boy smiled weakly at Eddie before turning around and began to talk to...Stan?

Eddie knew Stan they were best friends in middle school, in fact they were almost brothers. Eddie knew everything about Stan and he knew everything about Eddie. They were both gay and Stan was dating their other friend Bill. Eddie knew about howhe had tried to commit suicide but failed thanks to Bill. Eddie and Stan both used to be bullied by Henry but always looked out for one another. But Eddie hadn't seen Stan since the last day of middle school, he though they weren't in the same high school.

After Eddie changed he shut his locker and ran up to Stan, 'Hey Stan! I haven't seen you since September last year!'
Stan and the black haired boy turned to both see a familiar face stare up at them with a large smile.
'Eddie?' Stan replied,
'All day!'
'It's been forever' Stan hugged him, 'uh..this is Richie, sorry I pushed him into you earlier' the boy looked down at Eddie and smirked. Eddies face became slightly pink.
'Hey,' he smiled at Eddie,
Jesus his voice is so beautiful my knees are going wobbly Eddie thought before being snapped out of his day dream by the bell.

Hi sorry it's short! Hope you like this Reddie novel and sorry I haven't been able to keep up with 'Reddie 🎈♥️' as much my school has been so strict lately with HM!~♥️

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