Chapter 2 🎈

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Tuesday 10th July
Richie's POV~

'Hello Richie,' a sweet calm voice yelled from behind me. I turn to see the honey suckle curls of Eddies.
'Hey!' I answer back but he just smiles.
Stan joins us and we talk until the bell for GYM!

[No pov] (find it better to write)
After soccer practise Richie runs up to the water fountain as he left his water bottle in his locker. But before he can begin to drink he hears the soft crying of an...angel?

Richie walks up to a large dumpster where the soft moans echoed from and he looks down to see the wounded angelic boy he met the other day. He bent down beside Eddie and lift his head up. Eddie whimpered quietly and his eyes slightly open hoping it's not Henry or Patrick. 'Hey..careful' Richie whispered helping Eddie sit up.
'A-are you okay?' He looked down at the wounded boy caressing his cheek softly. Eddie nodded trying to catch his breath from crying.

'Who did this?' Richie and Eddie were Sat in the locker room. It was after school and Richie was cleaning the deep cuts that scattered across Eddies soft arms. Eddie whimpered as the disinfecter stung him. The taller boys hand ran through the smaller boys hair calming him carefully. And it was working.
'Well...who was it? You can trust me Eds' Richie stroked Eddies cheek avoiding the deep cut that ran across his left cheek dotted with freckles like blood drops.
'I-it...was.' Eddie hesitated, 'Henry Bowers and his gang.. they always bully me b-but this is the first time they hit me this much!' Eddies voice was shaky and scared.

Richie wrapped his arms around his waist pulling Eddie into a warm embrace. 'Your safe now...With me..' warmth and love echoed in Richie's voice placing a smile on the lips of the smaller boy who rested his head on Richie's chest breathing slightly.
'Promise you always stay with me?' Eddie looked up at the beautiful curly haired boy with a crooked smile that looked adorable on his face.

A/N hi sorry I haven't updated in a while.. dropped my phone down toilet then forgot username for this app... 😐 🚽 📱
Well hope you enjoyed please vote and comment ideas 💡 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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