Chapter 3//🍁

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"Let's go Riley , we have PE class next"

A greeting would've been nice instead of demanding like that.

Jimin's wolf huffed at his miserable attempt in getting the girl to follow him. In which she bounced out of her seat and started running to him.

"Yes sir!"  Riley chuckled and takes mini steps to catch onto Jimin's long and fast ones.

After an annoying nagging of his wolf about him being rude to poor Riley before lunch, Jimin decided, no, was forced to apologize. You see , him being a rogue practically cuts of all wolf connections and interactions. He grew up alone and trust no human as well. It took him months to warm up to the store owner....just because he gave him free food.
He didn't how to act around his classmates that's why he is quiet all the time, to avoid hurting anyone. But he did when he pushed Riley away and his wolf won't shut up about it. So he was lectured to give his first apology to a buzzing , hyperactive human gal.

He led her to the changing room outside of the gym knowing that students won't be here for the next minute or two.

He halted suddenly making the bouncing girl beside him to crashed into him. He turned to find her rubbing her nose.

He stammered, fidgeting the edge of his hoodie as he struggled to word out his apology.

Just say it puss!

His wolf tsked at the boy's unwillingness.

He choked out

"Nah its okay , just a little bruise"

His eye widened. Did I hurt her when I pushed her away? Why can't I remember doing that? He was struggling with himself until he realized she was referring to her nose.

"No....I meant....I-I so-sorry for yelling at you before lunch"

He wanted dig a hole and shove his head into and never show his face again. Urgh I just apologized TWICE.

The girl stood there shocked with her hand still covering her nose. Did he just apologized? It wasn't long before she had a huge smile plastered to her face , making her eyes disappeared.

"Its okayyy. I'm sorry for invading your personal space too"

She giggled and patted his shoulder.
Wow. I should apologize more
He thought but quickly shake it off and turn to the changing room.

"We should change for PE."
Once again with his cold statements

Dude you're awkward

His wolf huffed as Jimin started changing in the men's changing room.

Shut up dog. And remember to control our strength out there. We don't want anyone up in our asses being suspicious of the inhuman ability.

Jimin always remind his wolf and himself to lay low and stay in controlled especially in track running because he tend to take off like a jet and leave everyone's jaw hanging.

As Jimin changed and talked to his wolf , the other students can't stop staring at Jimin's toned body. He trained a lot to be a top dog in school as well as in the wild. Untouched and unbothered, no one dares to challenge the boy for anything. The students have admiration for him. Well , what do you expect from the 5 years class president, president of martial art club , team captain of football AND basketball and top scorer of every class he had. Not to mention his godly look and that body.

•PE Class•

"Yo boiiii"
Riley skipped to Jimin in her sports attire. A navy V neck jersey and a tight leggings. It hugged her butt and shaped her whole legs. Boys started to stare at her beautiful figure and girls started to wow at the new girl's body. Jimin was unfazed by everything, not even by Riley.
Jimin only hummed to her lively greeting.

𝗥𝗨𝗠𝗣𝗨𝗦//𝗣𝗝𝗠 𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗪𝗢𝗟𝗙 𝗙𝗙✔️Where stories live. Discover now