introduction : chewing gum

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ch-ch-ch-ch-chewing gum

sweat ran its way down chenle's back in a refined river as he danced the choreography to his favorite song, chewing gum. he recited the moves in his head, imagining himself right next to the dancers on stage, singing his heart out alongside his most beloved group.

exhausted from his daily practice, chenle collapsed back onto his bed, panting heavily. he glanced at the various posters covering his wall, smiling softly at what was on them. his favorite band, nct dream. they had dragged chenle down the endless hole of fanboying and all that chenle ended up with was a love for their music, dance, and visuals. his mahogany eyes glided across each one of the members, admiring their features as they posed motionless on his wall. his gaze stopped at one of them in particular. his bias, jisung. his sweet smile, his joyful laugh, his powerful dancing, his raps... they all made chenle blush at the thought of him.

a buzz from his phone made his snap out of his trance. he checked his phone, blinking through the bright light radiating from it. tapping on the notification, he gasped in delight when he read it. a radio station was giving away tickets-vip tickets to an nct dream concert as well as a fanmeet! chenle had finally gotten his chance. he eagerly entered into the giveaway, internally squealing at the thought of the opportunity to meet his idols. this had been his biggest dream, and he was ready to claim it.

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