Letter 1- Reese

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Dear Luke,

My name is Reese. You probably recieve many letters from fans, and i honestly dont know if you will ever see this. But its worth a try, right? My life is a never-ending cycle of words, pain, darkness, and even more pain.

For as long as i remember, i have been alone. I didnt realize it at the time, but i was still alone.

I thought friends were the people who would only talk to you when they needed a partner in class. I thought friends were the people who tease and laugh at you. Only, at the time i thought they were laughing with me. People just dont know how one small thing can affect your life.

I thought that until i met her. My best friend. Leah. A person who stood up for me when my 'friends' teased me. A person that wanted to spend time me after class. A person who made me realize what i had been misssing all along. A true friend.

Everything was perfect. WAS Perfect that is, until her familys car drove off a bridge. She never said goodbye. We never found out what made her father willingly drive his whole family off the bridge that day. All of the detectives told us that it was just the fog obscuring his vision. I knew him. Something just wasnt right.

Now im just alone as ever. My parents dont care about me, my 'friends' dont care about me, no one cares about me. It can start to take a toll on someone, darkness can. im surrounded by the same people from the same town, but i feel alone.

Yeah, I had everything i wanted, a new phone, nice clothes, but i was missing one thing. People who loved me. People to laugh WITH.

And thats where you come in, Luke. The first time i heard you sing was when i was on the bus. I sat by myself that day, well i sit by myself every day. I was probably crying, i dont know. All i remember was thinking about how this could all end if i wanted it to. When i first heard you sing, i felt... well, right. For once in my life i feel like maybe there was hope.

Crazy, right. I thought it was, until that night. I now i was crying by then because that is what i always did when i got home. I had made up my mind, i couldnt bear it anymore, any of it. I had the pills sitting out, the ones that would lead me to my freedom, lead me to Leah.

I was about to take them when i heard your voice. I dont know if it was in my head or out loud. I will never know. All i know is that you saved my life, Luke.

I am only completely positive about three thing in my life: It was not an accident that killed Adrianna, I will never be loved, and your voice was the one i heard when i almost ended it.

Many thanks,


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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