chapter one

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Hello my lovelies ❤

I would love to mention a few people today in this chapter! Starting with:

1. mearacfayak - Voted/Added Book

2. pinkbird123 - A Follow

3. riyadrama - A Follow

4. megandufrene - Added Book

5. nataliejohansen958 - A Vote


Thank you so much to the five of you!!! You are making me want to write even more!

Now onward to the first chapter!


As I laced up my pointe shoes, I took a deep, longing breathe. Closing my eyes, as arched my back. Hearing aa satisfying pop my forest green eyes fluttered open. I let out another sigh as I walk towards the vanity mirror. A tapping noise echoed threw the dressing room.

Looking closely, I started to do a quick touch up. Feeling my body jolt as I felt my muscles starting to tense up. Rolling my shoulders back to ease the stress. As I felt my muscles starting to loosen up, I took one last look in the mirror.

In an attempt, I pressed down the pure white, yet puffy tutu I was wearing. I took a deep breathe and turned to walk out of the dressing room door. As I was about to open it up one of my dance partners was there.

I smiled as he smiled in return. I reached he's left hand as he had he's other one placed behind him. He bowed as he did this. Slightly rising he's head he looks at me with stunning oceanic eyes. Like a never ending ocean in he's eyes.

I smiled at he's attempt to be my "prince charming". I giggled as he stood up straight. I'm five foot one. While he was, well, six foot two. He's hand still out as he started to speak. "Shall we?" I curtsied as I responded. "We shall."

We walked to our places on stage. Curtains doesn't open for thirty more seconds. I held my partner's hand. I looked back at him as I squeezed it. As the music started to play I turned my head to the audience. I pointed my pointe shoe towards the direction I had to go.

Towards the end of the scene I felt my heart beating so fast. As of it burst out of my chest and land on stage. My feet started to go numb as the whole play was reaching it end.

Once the song was about to end, I did a rond de jambe en l'air then ending it with a adagio. As my left leg was up, I leaned on my partner as my chest raised and fell.

Soon after, the light turned off, indicating the end of the scene. I quickly ran off stage to drink some of my water. I felt sweat sweeping off of me as exhaustion wanted to take over. My body begged and pleaded to stop but I had one last scene left then I can stop.


I arched my back as I felt warm sweat starting to form on my forehead. I grazed my hands over my torso towards the middle of my breast. Slowly reaching my arms up. Looking at my fingers, my eyes flutter closed. Moving my hips to the song as I felt he's fingers grazed my side.

Leaning towards his hand with opening arms. My eyes flutter open as I stare in his gorgeous ocean blue eyes. I start to lean in when I felt a warmth on my left wrist.

Slightly turning towards the source, I saw sweet honey brown eyes. I smiled as if I could get lost in them. I go towards him until I felt myself being tugged towards my left.

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