12 ~ Cybertronian language lessons

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When Alina woke up the next day, she was wrapped in warmth. Megatrons arms were wrapped around her waist.

The 16-year-old shivered when she felt a slightly cold breath on the back of her neck, followed by a gentle kiss.

"Slept well, my dear?" The warlord purred and Alina swallowed slightly. "Y-Yes ...", she answered quietly and sat up slowly. Megatron followed suit and then got up from the bed.

He enlarged with the shapeshifter and disappeared from the room when Alina took a small energon cube and made a glass with the machine.

She took a sip when the Decepticon leader returned and had something with him to put on the 16-year-old's desk. She went there and discovered tablets there, raised an eyebrow in astonishment.

"I'm going to start learning Cybertron's language with you today," the warlord said, and Alina choked a little. "T-These... symbols I saw in your quarters back then?"

A nod came from him. Megatron took one of the datapads and sat down on the bed. He symbolized her that she should sit on his lap, and she made it with a queasy feeling. Megatron held the datapad in front of her. Alina got a little nervous, like she was in school... only it was different.

The warlord opened a record showing cybertronic symbols and the alphabet letters Alina knew.

"Of course we will speak in your language. What you have noticed by now," he explained and she nodded.

After a few minutes, in which Alina put the letters in her head and Megatron explained them to her again, he changed the file, where there were several lines with the runes. He pointed to the first rune on the datapad.

There was silence for a while, until Alina flicked through her body and realized that she had to learn here.

Her finger moved to where Megatron had left his finger.

"That means ... um ... 'maintenance'."

"Right...". Then he went to the next rune.

"Report," she answered, and read on as the warlord ran his claw under the two runes ... "From the Nemesis."

"You learn quickly, my dear".

With a swallow, she answers. "Th-thank you ..."

Megatron gave her a slight grin and then continued the lesson.

"If there is a little rune, it's a short word that sums up the topics, these two, 'from the Nemesis' are 'from' and 'the'."

Alina's eyes were fixed on the symbols, her two hands clasped the datapad, causing Megatron to let go and his arms wrapped around her.

"I understand that... faster than the languages ​​I can learn at school...". "You have an ambition for learning, that's the point, Alina."

She continued reading, it was an old report of the maintenance work on the Decepticon ship. After finishing the last sentence, she lowered her hands.

A claw slid across the girls cheek, she closed her eyes, and leaned back gently.

"Do I really have to learn everything that comes from you?"

"Everything. Cybertronic language, and later, if you're a Cybertronian, weapons and combat lessons and all that sort of thing."

Alina looked at the datapad. Somehow, on the one hand, she could expect to learn that but on the other hand... she had finally been chosen as a guinea pig here and aw Megatrons Sparkmate.

"W-when will it happen... that I... become a Transformer ..."

The warlord rested his chin on her left shoulder.

"In the next few days you will be operated on something important for your later transformation, Shockwave and Knockout are already working on the machine that will later turn you into a Cybertronic body."

A small lump stuck in the neck of the 16-year-olds. Megatron took a hand of hers in his. "Nothing will happen to you, my femme, you do not have to worry about it."

Alina closed her eyes again. Somehow she wasn't afraid now, after all, Megatron was with her, he made her feel safe, took away most of the atmosphere that was fear.

"Yes ...", she breathed and leaned against his body again.

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