Chapter III Story II [Demon Friends]

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   Ryūko and Iruma were about to leave the mansion on another day of school. In front of the entrance gate, they see Asmodeus, Lavande and Clara waiting to pick them up. "Morning, Iruma and Ryūko-chi!" Greeted Clara while doing some random dancing. "Good morning/Good morrow, Iruma and Ryūko-sama." Greeted Asmodeus and Lavande bowing. "You're full of energy first thing in the morning." Said Iruma. Sullivan was behind the twins with a cup of tea in his hand. "Oh, how nice, Ryūko-chan and Iruma-kun." He said, "You've made three friends!" "Huh?! Er, actually, we're not sure if we'd call them friends." Said Iruma, "We just sort of play together and talk." "I thought that was what you called "friends" in the human world." Said Sullivan, "Was I wrong?" "See how would they feel we must do." Said Ryūko. "Besides, we don't know whether humans and demons can be friends."

  "Hey, I have a very important faculty meeting today, So I'm heading to school." Said Sullivan walking off to school, "We're dicussing on classes today." With that, the group went of to school and have conversations as they walk. "My lady, may I say, that dark uniform of yours is flawlessly soul-slaying." Said Lavande refering to Ryūko's new gothic uniform, "As expected of Lady Ryūko, recreating her mental image onto her uniform presenting her true colours." "Thank you, Lavande." Said Ryūko, "The standerd uniform was not my style and hair colour's suitability anyways." Ryūko's uniform consists of a white collared dress shirt with a white gold jabot, a black military uniform style jacket with white trims and gold chains and buttons and a black skirt with a white ribbon sewing through the folds of the skirt and white lace on the hem, along with the matching jacket accessories. She still wears the same black tights and black Japanese school shoes as always. Similar with Asmodeus's jabot, she pins the pleated fabric with the demon eye gemstone from her previous uniform.

 Similar with Asmodeus's jabot, she pins the pleated fabric with the demon eye gemstone from her previous uniform

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  The group decided to go to the cafeteria as there aren't any set plans for today. There was a variety of food to choose from the menu. Ryūko and Iruma are still wary of the Netherworld cuisine, but suprisingly tastes good and they weren't food poisoned from eating such. Iruma looked at a purple crest next to the selections and asked Asmodeus what it is. "That's a rank crest." Explained the demon, "Your performance at Babyls is ranked, and the food you can order depends on your rank." "I see." Commented Ryūko, "Ranks must be very competitive in the Netherworld." "We are yet to be ranked so, we may only ask for those here." Said Lavande pointing at a selection under a red title. "That's section's so narrow and tiny!" Commented Iruma. The demons also said that school meals are free whereas items at the school store can be purchased.

  As expected, the food is odd looking so Iruma and Ryūko can't decide on what to pick, in cases like that, they asked Asmodeus and Lavande to help them out with it. "Of course. We'll put together a random selection and bring it over to you both." Said Asmodeus. "If there is something out of your satifactions, do share it with us as we are more than happy to do so." Added Lavande.

  The siblings took their seats and Clara went... who in the Netherworld knows where? Ryūko plays with Iruma's ahoge that was moving from his happiness in a cute way. "O-Onē-chan. Stop playing with my ahoge." Said Iruma. "Can't help it." Said Ryūko, "It looks cute when moving like that." "Our apologises." Said Asmodeus and Lavande approaching the table, "We had trouble deciding what we should have you two try-" Lavande's cat ear twitched and brings her tray off the table immediately along with Asmodeus's tray before a big ampunt of food was dumped on their group's table. "Hey! What is all this?!" Asked Asmodeus. "Well, someone ordered one hundred servings..." Said one of the adult demons. "Who is the Netherworld would order that amount of food?" Questioned Ryūko mentally.

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