~Edward's POV~
"EDWARD!" A male voice shouted, and I knew who the voice came from that woke me up from sleep.
"What Draco?" I mumbled loudly so that my brother could hear.
"Get up, we're going to Diagon Alley,"
"Oh nuts" I cursed under my breath, I quickly got up, dressed in blue jean, white t-shirt and a brown leather jacket over it. I nearly got to my bedroom door when my left foot got caught on a plank of wood, and I fell hard on my stomach. I groaned.
"What's taking you so long?" Draco's voice asked.
"None of your business Draco," I shouted back with a snarky tone in my voice. My bedroom was a mess, it was full of cloth on doorknobs, in my closet in a ball of cloth. The walls of my bedroom were filled with a poster of the famous Quidditch Player, Viktor Krum holding his Firebolt. I finally took out my left foot out of the plank of wood. I rushed to my door, opened it, having a gush of cold wind hitting my face as I went to a straight hallway. The hallway had a couple of doors on either side of the hallway that leads to a bedroom or a bathroom. The carpet on the floor was black and white design. Torches of red flames light the way through the hallway. As I made down the hallway that leads into a larger room than mine, a beautiful clear chandelier hangs off of the ceiling. Three people stand in the center of the clear black and white marble.
"Do you have your paper?" asked the woman standing next to Draco.
I came to a halt then search both of my front pockets, nothing. I began to panic, then I reached for my back pocket and I felt a cold paper brushing against my skin. "Yup!" I responded as I pulled out the brown paper. The paper was folded halfway and then halfway again, so I unfold the paper and letters appeared on it. I looked at it then I folded it back the way it was and put it in my front left pocket. I made my way down the clear white marble stairs and black long railing. The stairs itself curved to the left. When I was down at the black and white marble, there stands Draco, then my mother standing next to Draco, and last my father who had a stick in his hand.
"I'm ready," I said to my parents. My parents didn't smile, but they nodded and guided me through the big room, then to a smaller room with floating pans washing, also a brick fireplace.
I stepped inside the of the fireplace, grabbed a handful of black powder in my hand. I stared out of the fireplace, then held my hand filled with the powder in front of me, then I shouted "Diagon Alley" as I threw the black powder down on the ground of the fireplace. A green flame erupted around me, I felt no heat from the flame. I saw nothing but green. Then all of a sudden the image changed.
I was lying on the cold, hard floor. I stood up awkwardly and looked around me. A few wizards were chatting in the corner of the room, two old witches drinking what it was from their cups – I must be in a club. Suddenly I felt someone pushed me.
"Go, Edward – no, don't stay, go out – now!" It was my father. He led me outside the club and I saw my brother and mother waiting
"Where are we?" I asked. Father snorted.
"Leaky Cauldron, a filthy, stupid pub for low-class wizards and witches who can't afford booking an upmarket place to stay," he sneered. "I hope you would never need to go into it, Edward."
"Now, come on, let's go," said mother and we arrived Gringotts, the wizarding bank. I noticed a lot of people were glaring us. I also noticed Draco stood straighter.
"Father? Why are they all staring at us?" I whispered, shifting uncomfortably.
"It's because we're rich, Edward, and this is a bank, " said father proudly. 'I daresay, we're even much richer than they all adding together.'
"I don't like it," I mumbled.
"You need to learn how to be a Malfoy," said Draco, frowning. "You'll enjoy the attention."
"But I don't," I murmured, and Draco ignored it. Soon we were on the cart and went deep down. We traveled past a waterfall (which made me all wet until father cast a spell on me), and finally, the cart stopped. I heard roaring.
"What's that?" I asked. Draco grinned.
"You'll see."
We walked further and I saw it: a full-grown Sphinx. I screamed and jumped back, but the goblin merely laughed. He began to sing.
"Oh my child I love so well, why are you blocking us. Look at who we are you can tell, you wouldn't want another cut."
Then, the Sphinx's eyes slowly closed and she dozed off. Father placed his finger on his lips and gestured me to follow him silently. I did.
We were in front of a door, and the goblin out his entire palm on it. The door opened after a couple of seconds, and I peered in and gasped.
I could see thousands of golden and silver coins, yellowish rubies, glittering emerald, shining sapphires, bright crystal, and beautiful diamonds were in every corner of the room. My jaw dropped at the beautiful sight.
"Told you we were wealthy," smiled mother. I nodded. Father bent and pocketed a pile of golden coins – Galleons – and we left.
"Where will we go first?" asked Draco, when we were under the sunlight again. Mother scanned our letters from Hogwarts.
"Flourish and Blotts," she decided. We brought our textbooks and our next stop was Twilfitt and Tattings (for my brand-new uniform), Potage's Cauldron Shop (I believe you already know what that shop sold), Slug & Jiggers Apothecary (sounds disgusting, but it was just a Potion shop), and finally, what I had been waiting for – Ollivanders. Father and mother always performed magic in front of me, using those thin sticks. And Draco's wand looked very cool too.
The Ollivanders was shabbier than I thought it would be, and it was very narrow. The keeper, Garrick Ollivander, was an old man with scary silvery eyes. Bowing, he asked, "A wand for young Mister Malfoy, sir?"
"Yes," replied father, "Come, Edward."
I took a step and Ollivander surveyed me, before running off and returned with a tape measure, and it measured my body by itself, while Ollivander walked around the shop and brought out different wand boxes. One box was a brown covering, others had black, and one particular was a tan color. Ollivander opens up the tan box first, then takes out a wand. The wand had curls in the end, the point was really pointy and sharp.
"Try this, eleven and a half inches, flexible, larch and unicorn feather, springy and flexible." I waved it. Several red and golden sparkles appeared out of thin air, making me feel...... powerful. You know? Like an energy you never knew you had it until it burst out. Mr. Ollivander beamed and took away other boxes.
"My boy, you're the only one who finds his wand the first time for twenty years ... yes, a great customer indeed. Mr. Malfoy, the wand costs seven Galleons – " my father handed him the money " – thank you very much, please do not forget to take care of your wands!' Mr. Ollivander bowed and watched as I left the shop with my family and most importantly, my brand-new wand.

Brother of Draco Malfoy
FanfictionEdward Malfoy is a brother to Draco Malfoy. When Edward goes to Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry, he gets into the House of Gryffindor. Everyone bullies Edward because he got into Gryffindor and a "Malfoy". Edward doesn't know why he got into Gryffi...