Let's Talk

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~ Squall's POV~

My mouth twitched as I crossed my arms. I was waiting in this place as the letter from Esthar instructed me to go, but no one was there. It was just a small abandoned flower shop in Winhill with a field of knee-high grass behind it, barely any trees in sight. In the field up on top of one of the hills, I could see a lone gravestone. I sighed sharply. What a boring town...and yet, the place gave off an odd feeling of nostalgia, even though I'd only made a pit stop there once. Damn it, what the hell was going on?

"Hey there, Squall." I heard a proud voice call out behind me. I turned around to see the long haired man from my dreams. The bumbling idiot who took care of Sis and somehow became the leader of an entire country. President Laguna Loire of Esthar. He was carrying a bouquet of white flowers. Great, he's probably the one that summoned me here. Which meant I'd have to be conversing with him for the rest of my day. And here I thought I'd get to spend my evening with Rinoa back at Garden. Just my luck.

I stood up straight and uncrossed my arms. I raised my right hand and saluted. "President Loire." I greeted properly as he approached me. He laughed. "Hey, take it easy, kiddo. I thought you'd be a little less upright now that everything's died down." Laguna clapped me on the shoulder. "Being the leader of SeeD hasn't been that taxing, has it? I'd hope not. I tell ya, you ever need a moomba to talk to, just say the word. They're the best of company. Why, back when I was a Galbadian soldier..."

And off he went, rambling about another life-threatening escapade. I turned my head away and clenched my fists as he continued reminiscing. He clearly didn't know how I operated. He, the President of Esthar, summoned me here by a formal office letter. That goes without saying it was urgent business that I was asked to report to. Business would always be taken seriously and orders must always be followed...unless it has to do with Rinoa, that is. Even still, that doesn't mean one can get used to everything in a day.

"...what did you summon me here for?" I asked, not wanting to look at him. The president said nothing. I frowned, surprised that he, for one, was silent. "Laguna..?" Still nothing. Without turning my head, my eyes glided toward him. Laguna was staring at the floral cabin with a pensive look on his face. What was the jab at my demeanor for if he was just going to do the same? Whatever. He looked out at the field. "This was where it happened." He said with a sigh as he began to walk toward a path in the sea of grass. I followed, hands in my pockets. Even though he didn't smile, he sounded happy. "This was where I proposed to Raine."

I breathed in through my nose. Raine... Right. She was the woman who raised Ellone and helped Laguna recover after a battle in Centra. And, if I remember correctly, Laguna refused to say anything about Raine before we took down the sorceress from the future, Ultimaticia. But why now? Why did he suddenly ask me to such a place of personal value? And why me out of everyone else?

Whatever. I'm pretty sure he'd run his mouth about it sooner or later.

Laguna stopped walking. I stopped too. He set the flowers down, staying at a crouch for a moment. It wasn't until my eyes zeroed in on the gravestone in front of us, I digressed my inner thoughts. Raine Lorie was carved into the stone, with her year of birth and passing were presented. She passed the same year I was born...

The two of us clapped twice and made a prayer out of respect. I looked over at Laguna, his eyes still closed. I knew the feeling of loss when Ellone was taken from Matron's orphanage, but I couldn't deny that I'd never experienced loss on the level Laguna had. So what if I was almost lost to time compression, how would Rinoa react if I hadn't kept our promise? Would she have cried, speaking my name in the past tense like, like we did Seifer? My breath became strained at the thought. How was Laguna so calm in prayer?

"How did she die?" I asked softly. It probably wasn't my place, but Irvine told me I needed to try sometimes.

Laguna opened his eyes and turned his back to the headstone. "Childbirth." The wind whistled in the midday light and the field of grass ripped in waves. I hoped that my company at arm's length was enough, because if he needed a shoulder to cry on I wasn't taking that chance. But he didn't do that. With a strong inhale, Laguna lifted his head and smiled at me. "Okay, I'm ready."

A Much Needed Talk (A FFVIII Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now