Do I?

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~ Laguna's POV~

"Do you...hate me for being the cause of Raine's death?" Squall asked.

I was stunned. I never expected him to ask such a question. Sure, he didn't seem like a kid who'd voice his opinion or want any personal feedback. But this...

I scratched the back of my neck as I slouched over and smiled away my surprise. "Hey, now. What gives you the impression I'd hate someone in the first place?" Squall turned his head away, arms crossed and said nothing. Perhaps it was an impulsive response. I chuckled at the thought. "I don't strive to frustrate and nor hate in return. To make me hate you would take a lot of effort. I see everyone equally in my eyes. I am the president of a country, you know."

Squall rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah." He said, walking ahead of me, diverging down a wooded path. A shortcut out of town. I chucked in my appearance of discomfort at the sudden thought. Squall didn't know this town like I did. Which was saying something if I tended to get lost more than the average person. He didn't know when or where monsters lurked. So, I swiftly followed behind him.

As we walked through the brush, I could help but think about Squall's question. I'd never admit weakness in the eye of the enemy, but I couldn't help but think about it in times like these. To think the only thing Raine left behind was Elle own son. I abused that gift by becoming the President of Esthar and not investigating their whereabouts after her passing. But even though I was looking at the results 17 years later, Squall was still just a kid. My...kid. I just wanted to experience protecting him once. For Raine.

"Laguna, behind you!" Squall yelled, pulling out his gunblade.

I turned around to see a colorful slug-like monster as tall as I was stand up on its hind legs. It opened its mouth of saliva covered teeth, flapping its purple tongue. I rolled out of the way as it bit into the dirt where I once was. I stood back up with my shoulders back and hands on my hips, letting out a huge laugh. "Hah! Haven't seen one of you in ages." I bellowed, remembering the days I fought alongside Kiros. It was a Caterchipillar.

 "Shut up and fight, you idiot

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"Shut up and fight, you idiot." Squall huffed as he cut tirelessly at the creatures lower half. I shook my head. He'd probably never fought one before now. The Caterchipillar reared up and spat a sticky web at Squall, knocking him back against a tree. He fell for it. Squall was tied to the tree with its sticky webbing. He fidgeted violently, but he couldn't get his arms or legs to move. The gunblade fell from his fingers as he gritted his teeth. "They're weakened by fire, kiddo." I yelled as the Caterchipillar turned its focus toward me. Squall let out a frustrated grumble. "Then draw some spells and get me out of this!"

Shooting at the Caterchipillar with my machine gun, I shook my head and frowned. "Wish I could say I had any magic on me to begin with, but I retired from drawing magic. Too much of a task. I've always specialize in artillery anyways. All I got on me is my gun..." I shook my head, as realizing Squall was probably holding magic. "Look, kid, just wait until the sticky web wears off. I'll hold it off until then."

Squall rolled his eyes, letting his head fall back against the tree. "Whatever."

I ran at and shot our foe right and left, but not one bullet so much as scratched its exterior. Of course it wasn't meant to do much other than be a distraction. It was a smaller space to fight in than I remembered. Damn. How long did it take for the web to wear off? My knees were getting sore. I wasn't as agile as I used to be...I was getting...tired. We needed to end this fast, but Squall was still bound to the tree.

Wait, Caterchipillars usually traveled with Bite Bugs for protection. Bite Bugs had fire. That's it. I pulled out an emergency flash bomb and tossed it at the Caterchipillar. The second it went off I ran over and cut Squall loose. "Do you have fire on you?" I asked a the creature reeled in blinding pain. "...what are you planning?" Squall asked, picking up his weapon. The air around us began to hum. Right on time. I pointed at the source of the humming as it turned into buzzing. I spotted the glistening of greasy wings a little yonder. "Draw fire from the large mosquito when it gets here. I'll hold of the caterpillar until then." I ordered before I dodging a sticky web spray. Just a little bit longer and we'd be home free.

 Squall began drawing as I diverted both their attention from him

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Squall began drawing as I diverted both their attention from him. Gee willikers, why didn't I realize I'd be talking on two giant insects when we enacted this plan??

This time around, I kept my distance from our foes and resorted to less movement.Taking on two at once with knees growing sorer made me more aware of sporadic fatigue. And I couldn't afford that now. I reloaded my machine gun and began shooting again, forcing them to keep their eyes on me. On occasion, they did force me to dodge more. Sometimes the Bite Bug would decide to ignore me and go straight for Squall. At least the kid had good reflexes to counterattack. Speaking of Squall, was he still drawing for fire? Darn, it must've been a bad day if it was taking this long to draw one element.


I turned to see flames rushing toward me. I guess I judged too soon. I dropped to the ground like a pin. The heat of fire rushed passed my face, singeing a few strands of hair. The cast hit the Caterchipillar, dazing it. "Huaghhhh!" Squall yelled as he dove through the air toward it, gunblade raised high and began cutting into the creature. I smirked. That left the mosquito to me. I took out my secret grappling hook and shot it at a nearby branch. With one tug, I launched off the ground and started shooting at the Bug Bite with my machine gun as I swung back and forth.

The second I retracted my grappling line and landed on the ground, the two monsters were as good as dust. All my ammunition shells hit the ground and Squall sheathed his smoking blade. It was rough, but we made it through.

I let out a laugh and I put Squall in a headlock, scuffing up his hair. "Dun dun dun dun daaa daa DUN DUH DAAAA!" I sang out a victory fanfare as Squall tried to losen his head from my grip.

"Laguna, what the hell??" Squall exclaimed, clawing at my arm. I found it funny he was trying to escape with leather gloves on. Which reminded me... "You never had fire on you did you?" I asked him seriously. Squall stopped struggling. "Ugh, what makes you assume that?" He asked. I ruffled his hair again. "Had that Bite Bug not shown up, we may not have been so lucky weakening it and we'd still be fighting now."

Squall scoffed. "And..?" I sighed, patting his head before letting go. "I'm...just glad you're safe." I said softly as he brushed his hair back in place. He paused as I said this. What was he thinking? If I did say so myself, he caught on quickly. Especially for not knowing the area. Squall suddenly brushed back his hair one last time and straightened his jacket. "Well, w-whatever. Thanks."

I smiled, patting him on the shoulder. "This time, I'll lead the way back out of town. I know these parts like the back of my hand." I said, marching forth.

"If you say so..." Squall whispered under his breath.


Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter. 😽

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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