O 004

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[Mystic Falls- Witches house]

It was unbelievably hot inside the witches house and Elijah was sweating immensely. It baffled him, how hot he felt inside the house yet fully knowing tonight was a chilly night and a strong wind was blowing. Naturally, he had assumed that an empty house with a few broken windows would be a freezing site but apparently not. "Phasmatos incendia" he repeated again now managing to light up all the candle wicks in sight. "Elijah..." Emily spoke up but he was too immersed in the next spell to give her his full attention. "Do you maybe want to tell him?" "It's not my place." He could make up Ayanna's voice. It looked like a bucket had been dumped on him. "He is going against the weathers temperature Ayanna, he's going to--" Elijah's hearing suddenly switched off as his ears filled with air and an annoying ringing emerged. Clutching his ears tight on reflex Elijah tried hard to fight the ringing that caused him migraines and a nose bleed. Ayanna and a concerned Emily stood above him watching carefully as his vision blurred until darkness filled his sight.


"I can not feel her magic, but oddly the number of Bennett blood witches essence remains the same. It's a s if she never left." Ava stated carefully staring a the small ring lights currently floating before her. "Listen Ava you're going to have to be a bit more-" "Mrs Livingstone to you child. Tell me what you saw in the dream." All eyes now on him, Damon started "Like I have been saying all week now, that's not important. What we need to figure out is what's going on and if Bonnie is alive somewhere out there... We need to bring her back." "Right, I'll try again. What did you see in the dream?" Ava pushed. "I can't remember much, but I was in the boarding house preparing breakfast, the very same she much so despises. Went upstairs to Stefan's bedroom to get her but found the bed neat and empty. I searched the house but nothing so I went outside and I was to my surprise immediately staring at her grave and Mrs Cuddles half buried in there. When I plucked here out she was glowing and called my name in Bonnie's voice." Damon narrated his dream. Lucy looked shocked as if she could not believe her ears. "What is it Lucy?" Caroline asked "When I was the youngest in the Bennett bloodline, I remember a few people joking that even if I was killed, someone would just bring me back to life a few years later. Of course it was just a rouse but now, not so much" Lucy said reminiscing. "Damon this call only comes if the dead witch has a message to deliver or if the witch's spirit feels whoever's it was looking after has healed and it's time for it to move on. In both cases the talisman must be destroyed right after." Ava started. Damon was rather disappointed, he had expected her to say that Bonnie is alive. "I can set her free but I'm not losing the only thing I have left of her" Damon snarled. "Unless of course... the witch has been brought back to life and the essence wishes to be reunited with it's vessel, but that only happens if the witch died of supernatural fault and she is brought back by her patron." Ava continued. "Stefan and I, her ancestor Emily asked us to protect her bloodline. We can bring her back." He beamed. "I'm afraid that can only happen if death is by supernatural cause, Miss Bennett died naturally. This can only mean she has a message for you or would like you to set her free. Whichever it is the talisman will guide you." Ava concluded standing up and heading out to her garden."If Bonnie is alive Damon, then somebody else must have performed the ritual. You say that Emily made you and Stefan patrons of the Bennetts but it seems someone else is-" "No, there's no one else" he refused "You don't understand. A patron is pure." "So are my intentions with Bonnie!" Damon spat before standing up and walking out. It's been a whole week. He needs to find her.

[Witch's house]

Elijah woke up to the smell of fresh soil after heavy rain. His body was still a bit hot and his nose hypersensitive. His body ached to the bone and his heart thrummed in a beat of two. Standing up was utterly painful but he got over it and went to stand by the door looking out and admiring nature. Today was a beautiful day after last night's storm. "It's quite something ey?" he heard Emily chime behind him "Yes, it is. Do you perhaps happen to know what happened to me last night?" he asked, still looking outside. After a long moment of silence she answered "My best guess would be exhaustion. After all it is overwhelming, all of this. A mere natural reaction." He took her answer with a simple nod, apart from physical pain, he felt new like something had been lifted off his shoulders. "What now?" He asked finally turning to face her. "Now, you rest Elijah. Tomorrow we will continue with spells and you will search for Bonnie's talisman." Qetsiya voice finally revealing herself from behind the wall.


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I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Picture of Zandile above.

What do you think happened to Elijah? Best guess gets a shout out in the next chapter.

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