Locked up again???

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Heidi woke up with a big bang on her door. She knew it was her dad . They've had rough times and great times. So she opens the door to a kick in the stomach and a punch in the face. Her mom a crack addict slut, and her dad a drug takin time wastin' piece of dirt. She could tell she wasn't gonna go to school today! When her mom got high her dad got high, then she would get a couple of punches and several kicks but this time there basement that there mom used for her own business, Heidi would get locked in there for about 3-4 hours. No big deal to Heidi she was used to it. She would just get on her phone text,look at Instagram, Snapchat,Kik,Vine all of that stuff!! So when Heidi pulled her phone out she started to listening to music. She loved Carrie Underwood! She turned on Carrie and started lisining to it. It soothed her. She soon fell asleep. When she woke up all she knew was that it was Wednesday. Wait Wednesday the 14? Of February? Yes it was! It was her birthday!!! She looked at her phone her friends were calling , texting, and yes facetiming!It was awesome for her she walked out of the basement and went into her mom and dads room. She screamed! 1 thing her mom and dad were having sex and the 2nd thing she walked in on them! She went to her room puked, again,again, and again. Then finally she got in the shower! When she got out she put on a Tennessee Vols sweatshirt and and yoga pants with boots. She planned on going to her BFFs house and walk to school with her. Melissa was 14 just like Heidi. There birthday was 1 week apart. Heidi was a chick, she had long spiral curled hair, dimples,crystal blue eyes, oh and she was a brunett. But on the other had Melissa was a girl with stick straight hair,no dimples,and brown eyes. So when the friends got to school they got on there phones. Yes 8th graders were allowed to have their phones out during advisory only! There teacher was .Miss.Smith. Miss.Smith had always had a dream to be an SRO ( School Resource Officer ). But that didn't happen. Just like Melissa she had a huge dream about being an SRO. Her mom and dad are both are ones. All the sudden Heidi asked Melissa "I need to talk to someone about my problems at home! Who do I talk to??"Melissa said "Officer Smith". ( Yes there is actually a SRO at Rossview called Officer Smith ) So Heidi followed Melissa's orders and talked to the SRO. Melissa found out that all she needed to do was tell somebody. Heidi and Officer Smith traded numbers so they could talk privately when she needed her . So when the billonth time of being locked in an basement came around she called up her new buddy...Officer Smith

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