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~le time skip of a year~

Ghost walked over to the mountain that had become the two Johnny's base. He was carrying a big, heavy black bag. When Ghost got to the cave entrance, he pulled out his map. After a year of going here almost every single day, he still didn't have the layout memorized.

After a few wrong turns, Ghost finally made it to the main cave. Toast wasn't here yet, so Ghost decided to get his stuff out of his bag. He set in on the table in the center of the room and pulled out a stack of business cards. The cards read, 'Paranormal Investigators Extraordinaires', or PIE for short. Their new logo was the PI sign. Since neither of them could spell very good, they didn't know PI was spelled P-I and not P-I-E.

Recently, the Johnny's have been testing out some of the equipment. Of course, they couldn't actually use the ghost hunting stuff. Toast did start whacking Ghost with a ghost-catching-gun-thing. Get it? Ghost hunting? Oh forget it. Today they were planning to go to an old mansion and use the ghost-tracker. They really wanted catch a ghost.

Just then, Toast walked in. "Sorry I'm late! I just got my license! I sorta crashed into a few mail boxes... but whatever! We still going to the mansion?"

"Yep! I printed out our new business cards! Of course, we won't be able to actually use them until we know if the ghost-hunty stuff works. Want to see them?" Ghost asked.

"Sure. Let me just not trip on-" CRASH!! CRUNCH!! "Ahh! My face! I think I broke my nose!" Toast had tripped on the leg of a coffee table and landed squarely on his nose. When Ghost heard the sickening crunch, he looked away. Blood gushed from Toasts nose.

Toast got up and sat against the coffee table, not wanting to get blood on the couch. The ghost-hunting cave was a bit like a living room,plus tons of cool ghost-hunting gadgets. Toast look at Ghosts turned head. "Aren't you going to get me some towels or something? I can't get some myself with this broken nose!"

"I'm, uhhh, horrible with blood. Bad things happen when I see blood," Ghost said, hoping to get out of having to help. As much as he wanted to help Toast, he couldn't look at the blood. (Can you guess what's coming next?!?)

"It's okay! Just try looking away so you don't see any. Just please get some towels! Blood is getting everywhere! And my nose really hurts!" Ghost decided to get the towels. They would just have to brave through what ever happened.

Ghost ran over to a small supply closet and grabbed a roll of paper towels. He then ran over to Toast. Ghost tried to look away, but there was just to much blood. When he saw it, he stopped. He just stood there, staring. Then his head started to twitch. Ghost turned deathly pale. His eyes turned a deep, glowing red. Ghost started mumbling to himself.

Toast grabbed the paper towels that Ghost dropped when he started to... stare. He ripped a few off, held them to his nose, ad started to clean the few drops on the floor and his hands. "Umm... Sir? Are you okay? Johnny?" Toast had elected Ghost as the head of the ghost-hunting business. He also started call him 'sir.'

"Johnny's gone, Toaster. Now I'm here to stab stab stab!!" Johnny's- if it was Johnny's- voice was higher, with a note of insanity. "Johnny's gone. I'm Jimmy. Jimmy Casket!" Toast gasped. He had heard all about Jimmy Casket and all of his resent... activity. Jimmy was a killer, a murderer. He would kill Toast in a heartbeat.

In Johnny's/Jimmy's head, Johnny was trying to convince Jimmy to not kill Toast. "If you so much as cut him, you will regret it!" Ghost hollered in his head.

"Oh what will you do?!? I'm you so if you draw blood you will feel it too! And I love blood!! Hahahahahahaha!" Jimmy said and laughed like a maniac. Toast looked at Casket with a questioning look. "What?!? I'm fighting Ghost in my head! Just be happy I haven't killed you yet!!"

"Don't you dare!! He's my best friend!" Ghost yelled in his head again. "If you don't hurt Johnny, I'll-I'll, start carrying around your 'Knife-y' or whatever you call your knife around with me so you have easier access to it. If you do hurt him in ANY WAY, I'll... burn your knife so it melts! I know where you keep it! We're both in each others head!"

Jimmy laughed. "Blackmail?!? Your trying to blackmail me?!? Well your good at it because it worked!!" There was a another pause in Jimmy's crazy laughter. Toast could only assume that Ghost was taking in his head again. Jimmy started laughing again. "Very well!!!" Jimmy looked at Toast. Toast felt like his menacing eyes were staring into his sole. "Bye-bye, Toaster!!! I'll be back!!"

Jimmy started to fade into the normal Johnny. When Ghost final turned normal again, he fell to the floor. "Sir!" Toast yelled as he ran to his boss. His nose had stopped bleeding a few minutes ago. Yep, the whole 'Jimmy Encounter' lasted a full ten minutes. "Are you okay sir?!" Toast said loudly as he picked Ghost up and put him on the couch. "Can you speak? Or are you unconscious?"

Ghost nodded, groaned and said,"My head hurts slightly but that's about it." Toast opened his mouth to speak but Ghost cut him of before he could even start talking. "As you know, that was Jimmy Casket, famous murderer, and lives in my head. Every time I see blood and Jimmy hasn't come out for a while, he comes out. I have a theory that I have split personalities and Jimmy is one of them. The weird thing is that I sometimes hear another voice in my head. He can't control what I do. He's just there talking. He calls himself (can you guess who?) Ventarian, or some times Jordan. It's really weird. I also think that Jimmy killed my parents and erased-slash-bashed my head-slash-memories so I wouldn't remember any of it. The only problem, besides the fact I have a murderer in my head, is that Jimmy won't tell me if he killed them. My parents, I mean. And don't worry, Jimmy shouldn't be coming out any time soon. We should be good."


Chapter number 3, reached.

I'm finally flippin' updating!! Yay!! I'm going to change the description/plot of the story so instead P.I.E has to some how get Maxwell Acachalla (sorry if I spelled it wrong!) back to the grave with the help of Aimee. Only Aimee's life and death goes with the two Johnny's past lives. And also Maxwells. I mean #confusing right? Should I change it?


Peace out my peeps,

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