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𝐋𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐨𝐧

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𝐋𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐨𝐧

I woke up trying to get out of bed but couldn't. I looked down and saw Kamari laying on my stomach and my legs wrapped around him. He looked so peaceful sleeping.

"Kamari." I called and he groaned but didn't answer.

I called him again but that only led him to hold on to me tighter. Since I knew he wasn't gonna answer, I sighed and stretched my arm towards the dresser and grabbed my phone.

I checked the time seeing it was 10 AM. I dropped my phone on the bed cause there was nun on there that was interesting. I sighed loudly which caused Kamaro to stir a bit. He looked at me causing, e to smile at him.

"G'morning." He said and I answered.

He got up and went to the bathroom and I followed him since I was gonna also brush my teeth. I went back to my room when I was done and waited for him to finish.

"Whatchu wanna do t'day?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Let's go to your grandma's house. I wanna see her and Amora." I said referring to his lil sis.

"Aight gon head and shower." He said.

A/n: ian finna write allat so just know they at his grandma's house now.

"Hey ma." Kamari said, hugging his grandma. I hugged her after.

She yelled for Amora to come down and once she saw me, she ran to me. Amora was 8 but she acted 18.

"LayLay I missed you." She said, cheesing.

"I missed you too stink. How you been doing? Been good at school and for gdandma?" I asked and she nodded.

She then went to hug Kamari.

"rammy you cook anything today?" I asked her playfully.

"Chile ion have that energy toray." She said and I chuckled. Kamari's grandma was 55 but looked in her late 30s or early 40s.

"You wanna go out with us today?" I asked her since I figured Kamari was gonna bring Amora with us to wherever we was going.

"Nah y'all can gon head and have fun." She said dismissively.

"Aight grammy we'll see you later." I said as I stood up and hugged her. We said our byes and left.

"Whatchu wanna do stink?" Kamari asked.

"I wanna watch Frozen 2." She replied making Kamari smack his teeth.

"Fine but we gotta go get Meech nem." He told me and I nodded.

We headed to Don's house which was where everyone usually stayed at.

As soon as he saw me, Shoota ran and hugged me.

"Bestieee, I missed you." He said and I laughed.

"I missed yo dumbass too Shoota." I said.

"Nigga put her down. Don't be touching all up on her like that." Kamari said.

"Kamari." I sternly said. "Be nice."

I heard him mumble some shit under his breath but I didn't care. Catching an attitude for what.

"Who pissed in his cornflakes?" Shoota asked and I chuckled.

"Shut up." I said and went over to Meech and Don.

I hugged Don and he hugged me back but Meech didn't.

"Best what I do? Why ain't you hugging me back?" I asked him and he ignored me.

"Bruh Micheal what I do?" I asked again and he turned to me with a mug on his face.

"Mane get the fuck. You ain't think to call me and see how yo favorite friend doing? I see how it is." He said hurt. I knew he was playing tho.

"Aww best I'm sorry I promise I'll do better. Can I get my hug now?" I asked and he hugged me.

Meanwhile Shoota was trying to teach Amora how to make KoolAid. He didn't even know what he was doing since he was high cuz he was looking for the sugar which was right in front of him.

Amora had to tell him which caused me to laugh.

"C'mon y'all we goin ta watch Frozen." Kamari said.

"Who watching that childish shit?" Don asked with his face scrunched up.

"Amora wanted to watch so we goin." Kamari replied.

I already ordered the tickets, we'll just get it when we get there. We still got bluth 2 hours." He said as he sat next to me and laid his head on my stomach.

"Yall done making tpthat nasty ass KoolAid?" Meech asked as Stunna and Amora walked in the living room.

"Bitch shut up, it ain't nasty." Shoota replied and they started going back and forth.

I looked down at Kamari and saw him recording me making me mug the camera. He got up, grabbing me with him and led me upstairs.

"Y'ALL BET NOT BE FUCKING!" Shoota yelled and I shook my head laughing.

Kamari opened the door to one of the guest rooms and locked the door causing me to raise my eyebrows.

"We not doing anything, I promise." He said. I laid on the bed and he laid down next to me.

"You ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm good." He said and rubbed the back of his neck.

Lying ass.

"You know you can talk to me right?" I asked and he nodded.

"I know but I'm forreal tho. I'm good." He said and I nodded. We heard a knock on the door and I told whoever it was that it was opened. Amora came in causing Kamari to smack his teeth and mumble some things under his breath.

"What's wrong mama?" I asked her as she climbed on the bed, laying her head on my boobs. Kamari mugged her and said some slick shit which caused me to chuckle.

Ion know why he getting mad.

"We still going to watch Frozen 2?" She asked as he scratched her eye.

"Yes we still watching Frozen 2. Now getcho big ass head off her damn titties." Kamari snapped and mushed her head and I gasped, hitting him.

"Don't mush her like that. Fuck wrong witchu?" I asked. He didn't answer me just continued mumbling.

"You ok baby?" I asked Amora and she nodded. Luckily there was a tv in the room so I turned it on and that occupied her for a bit.

I looked over at Kamari seeing him mugging me. I pushed his head back making it hit the headboard a little.

I stifled a laugh causing him to mug me. Amora decided to get comfortable and lay on my lap so I dragged Mari over to me and laid his head on my boobs which made him smile.

He was such a baby at times.

𝐞 𝐱 𝐜 𝐮 𝐬 𝐞  𝐦 𝐢 𝐬 𝐭 𝐚 𝐤 𝐞 𝐬  🥰

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