Chapter 4: Decisions, Decisions

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Chapter 4: Decisions, Decisions

“Hey Spain! Your friends are here.” I heard a yell come from the front door.

I finished stacking some plates into the cabinets and dried my hands on a wash cloth to dry off the water and soap. I looked outside the window to find the two people I had not expected to see- my old allies. I looked at the Frenchman and the Prussian with a smile as I came to the door. I stood next to Romano, giving them a wave.

“Hola! What brings you here today?” I asked, curious as to why they had come back to me now.

“Vell we’re going to join up again of course!” the Prussian answered.

“We made a perfect team. More beautiful than any ever made on earth! Everything could be so easy if we could work together.” the Frenchman continued.

I smiled and laughed, not knowing how to answer. When they didn’t laugh with me I knew they were completely serious about this. By this time Romano had walked back inside and was sitting on the couch, watching TV. I turned my gaze back to them.

“I don’t know, guys. I mean if we join forces again it’s only a matter of time before someone picks a fight with us. Shouldn’t we try to stay away from war rather than fight it?” I asked.

“Zhere is no guarantee that they will fight against us. If they know how awesome we are they won’t dare challenge the bad touch trio!” Prussia said, confidently. 

“Of course~ And if something major happens we will be stronger. Strong enough to take down anyone!” France added.

Their hearts were set on this. There was no doubt in my mind this is what they wanted over everything else. They were so determined just to hear me say one word. Or at least an acknowledgement of what they had aid. I had no idea if this was the right thing.

“Let me think about it ok?”

“Fine, Fine but don’t you chicken out if you say yes. You’re either in or out.” Prussia said, without a hint of kindness in his voice.

For a moment he sounded just like his brother. I was always shocked to see him so serious. He looked so much like a drill sergeant just then, not like his normal self. I suppose everyone is different than they appear. It takes time to fully understand someone.

Prussia walked away, slowly, as if he was trying to delay his pace. Maybe he figured I would think quickly on this, but he was sadly mistaken. I had lots of things to consider before making such a big decision. France took a step forward and placed a hand on my shoulder. 

“Think it over, mon ami.” 

With that, the Frenchman left my house. After the visit between my old comrades I was quite indecisive over what I should do. I always fear a war breaking out so having such strong alliances would be helpful but if I do this, I’m sure more wars than normal will attack us. We don’t exactly all see eye to eye.

I walked back inside, closing the door behind me. I decided to just leave the plates as they were for now. I had bigger things to think about than just the tidiness of my kitchen. I stared out at the sky for a moment, wondering if it would give me an answer. Would I get a sign?

“You should join them.” Romano answered.

Before I could even count to cinco he was already standing right beside me in the kitchen. I gave him a shaking of my head to show him I was unsure. I began to roll down my sleeves that I had rolled up from doing the dishes, trying to avoid my attention from the subject. This wasn’t exactly what I wanted to think about.

“It’s dangerous. I don’t think it’s right.” I answered back, brushing past him.

“That’s irrelevant, Espana. Right or wrong, it doesn’t matter! You need allies, Spain. You cannot fight wars by yourself.” he persisted, yelling to make sure I stayed in place to argue back.

“Doesn’t matter?! It means everything. I don’t care about the power or the alliances. I’m not going to do it. People are power-hungry, Romano. They always want to be the strongest and when one person takes that spot, they want to take it from them. Being strong has it’s weaknesses too.” I explained.

He grabbed the back of my wrist, making me turn around to look at him in the eye. He was furious now and his anger could be shown only by his eyes. He gripped tighter, his knuckles becoming white. I couldn’t bring myself to keep the same expression. 

“You’re a scared fool!” was all he had left to say.

“It’s better to be scared then to lose everything.”

“This isn’t about me! This is about you!”

“Then you must understand why I’m against this. I cannot risk such harm to my people or to you. You deserve a chance to regain back what is yours. I cannot allow you to be put in danger before that ever happens.” 

“I’m not the only one who’s in danger! You’re dying and yet you won’t tell anyone. You hide behind your smile, pretending that everything’s okay when it’s not. And just when were you going to tell me about those purple bruises on your arms?”

“I just had a little accident is all. I told you I’m fine.”

I couldn’t even say another word when Romano’s right hand raised up to smack my cheek. I put my hand over it, knowing by morning there was going to be another bruise there in the morning. I knew it was time for me to silence myself. I expected a lecture from him but now all I got was silence. I suppose he already said what he needed to say.

Romano wanted me to become stronger because he knew I was weak. He wanted me to become what I was, before the illness took place. He wanted the best for me. Although, I don’t think yelling is the best way of telling me that.

“Thanks.” was all I said.

He just looked toward the floor and grumbled. I patted his head, as I always did before I went to get some sleep. I yawned a little and said goodnight before I opened the bedroom door. I collapsed onto the bed, exhausted from all the arguing. I closed my eyes, drifting into a deep sleep. 

Dreaming of the decision I would have to make~

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