2: Awakening

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My eyes fluttered open to warm breaths hitting my face. I looked at what was creating them and my eyes widened. Never had I seen a pokemon like this. It looked almost artificial, it's glowing grey eyes staring down at me. 

"Who are you and where did you take me?" A deep voice spoke, it was the boy I had taken in earlier. Maybe frosmoth was right about me keeping him outside. I gulped as this beast of pokemon stared down at me, I've read many text books about pokemon but never have I seen one like this. "Um..." I spoke. Sweat formed and dripped down my back despite it being freezing in the tent. "Well...you better say something or Sivally will take care of you now." 

That must be the name of the pokemon...but what is it? Nevermind, it doesn't matter. What does is helping myself, I would speak to tell him I mean no harm but I'm petrified in fear from this pokemon. I take whatever motion I have left and try to reach for the first pokeball near me but Sivally steps on my arm to prevent me from moving. 

"Ah!" I yell, feeling his weight on my arm. It's a heavy pokemon for whatever it is. "You should really answer." He spoke coldy, "Don't want your arm to be broken, right?" 

I clenched my teeth and pushed the words out of my mouth. "There w-was a portal and you came out unconscious...I-I took you in here since there was a snow storm outside." 

Sivally pushed on my arm harder and I yelped out in pain, "I-I promise you, it's the truth! Look at your b-burns, I put rawst berries on them...I gave you all of my blankets for the night!" I turned my head over to him. The boy was still too weak to stand but he sat up in his place, staring me down. "Lighten up Sivally." He speaks to his pokemon. It gets off my arm and I imminently withdraw my arm to my torso, examining the soon to be bruise that his Pokemon will leave. 

I sit up, sighing in relief that I got free of its grasp. "Alright, I believe you. There's no reason for you to help me though. I can take care of myself." The boy rises up but quickly falls back to his feet. "Damn, I really messed up." He groans, Sivally rushes to his aid. "You shouldn't walk yet, you need to rest!" I urge, the boy looks at me and growls. "Don't tell me what to do. You know nothing." 

I reach for my pokeball and send out my pokemon without even thinking what it is. "You'll die if you go out there!" I yell. My Frosmoth comes out and is faced with the boy. "I won't lose to someone as weak as you anyway." He scoffs, throwing out his Sivally. Well, I guess it's time to battle. 

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