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Naruto was in a middle of a fight in the chunin exams against Garra and he was badly wounded. He thought only one thing "I can't die... not today! NOT HERE!" He then charged at garra with a kunai and gave him a huge scratch that would leave a scar. Then garra transformed into his half 1 tales form out of pure rage. As soon as Garra did Naruto felt something inside him he then looked down to see his sand claw inside of him.

"N-no" Naruto said before falling over dead
(Skip to after the sand attacked and the third is alive but very injured and Naruto was now buried 6ft under the villagers were happy he died)

(Time skip to when every one was 18)
It was a dark stormy day and every one was inside there houses (the uchia massacre never happened) when a grave was surrounded with black fire. When a certain yellow hair boy rose from the ground. he looked around. "Seems that he kept the deal" he then walked to his house to see it was up for rent. "Uugggg" he groaned. Then walked a while. He then saw a shop with a half mask a lot like Kakashi sensei and went in to buy it. And so he did he thought that people shouldn't now his identity yet while in there got a blue shirt that brought out his eyes and a black hoodie and some anbu pants and black shoes then went to the hokages to buy the apartment.

He opened the doors To see a... plump? Woman there "Who are you?" I asked her "I'm the hokage. Who are you?" She responded "me... call me alister for right now." I told her "ok... alister what do you need?" "Can I buy the house on 55th lightning street?"  "um.... sure why not if u have the money to buy it. It is 6,504,600 yen to but and 108410 yen to rent pure week" I then nodded gave her the money and left for my old house

As I walked in I coughed "man this place is dust"  TIME SKIP 1 HOUR... "finally done... I should register for a ninja job" I then walked to the hokages office "come to see me again?" The hokage said I then laughed a lil "I want a ninja rank and team please" she looked at me "ummm sure but you have to beat some chunin in our ranks" I nodded

All the teams were there hinata,Sasuke (female),kiba all of em (the 3rd member of team 7 is sai) "TODAY WE HAVE SOMEONE WHO WANT TO BECONE AN CHUNIN SO DONT GO EASY!" The hokage yelled "THE FIRST MATCH IS ALISTER VS KIBA" I then walked down to see my old friend kiba waiting. The hokage waved her hand and kiba rushed "fast" he was maybe 37 miles per hour but I easily showed up on the other end of the arena and did some hand sings that none of them have seen and then the sky blackened with arrows all hit kiba's clothes that penned him down "w-w-what was that???" I looked at him "akuma style: rain of arrows" he then got up "that jutsu has terrible aim" kiba said with venom "I can control where they land"


Death Naruto (Naruto x readers choice)Where stories live. Discover now