C16 - Scattered

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Chapter 16 – Scattered.

One more night until the harvest moon.

Her teacher had been talking about it non-stop in school today, going on and on about how important it is, the history associated with it, how it could only be seen once a year, and this and that and this and that... It admittedly hadn't taken Alby long until she had fallen asleep what with her teacher's droning voice, but thankfully nobody around had noticed her softly snoring in the corner of the classroom. Well, that, or her fellow students were just used to her habitually going to sleep in the middle of class. Come to think of it, sleeping in class was something she did almost every day...

She shook her head and forced herself to focus on what she was actually out here for in the first place rather than getting lost in her memories, readjusting herself atop the branch she was perched on. There, through the shadowy forms of the branches and leaves surrounding her, the child could quite cleanly make out the almost full moon drifting softly through the starry night sky, finally coming into view above the distant ragged mountains.

Alby's brown eyes shone as she took in the sight, absently kicking her dangling legs in the air in excitement. It was so pretty! Just because she'd fallen asleep in class today didn't mean that she didn't want to see the harvest moon with all her heart. The full moon, but so much brighter... she couldn't wait!

A calm breeze blew through the wilderness, reaching her tree and playing with her short brown hair. She closed her eyes and leaned back, breathing out blissfully as she savored it all. The girl loved coming out to this spot, far away from all the lights of the village to stare out into the night sky above the dark, forested valley. It was just so peaceful.

She let out a small sigh that was caught in the wind, threading her fingers together atop her dress. Her lips tugged into a frown as she let her gaze fall from the moon and back down to the ground, her eyes growing distant.

Suddenly, she blinked in surprise, belated registering movement in her vision. She blinked a few more times, trying to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her. Maybe she just needed more sleep, like always?

No! There were really people down there, coming up the hill! Her breath quickening, Alby got to her feet as quickly as she could and balanced her way down the branch towards the trunk. Wincing at the leaves and scratchy branches that she had to push out of her way, the girl gingerly began her descent down the tall old tree with an acute sense of familiarity, placing her boots down in one obscure foothold after the next.

She skipped the last few steps down to jump to the grass below, letting out a slight squeak into the night as her own haste caused her to stumble clumsily and nearly fall over. Collecting herself, she broke into a run, her heart pounding as she weaved between the trees and bushes.

With one last bound, the girl leapt enthusiastically through a gap in the bushes onto the dirt path that led to her village, a brilliant, excited smile on her face as she laid her eyes upon the visitors coming up the path. "Hi there!" she cawed brightly as she came to a halt. Her smile faltered when she recognized the glint of steel in the moonlight, reflecting off the weapons the travelers had drawn the moment she had appeared.

"Sorey! Don't worry, it's just some kid."

Alby pouted at the offensive statement the disembodied voice had made. "Hey! I'm not some kid! I'm 9 whole years old, and I'm turning 10 in just a few weeks." She puffed her chest out with a self-righteous expression. "In fact, I'm the oldest girl in my class, just so you know!"

The three strangers exchanged incredulous glances in the wake of her words. Just so. She did look younger than she actually was, and it tended to surprise most adults. It always gave Alby a bit of pride whenever she announced it, she had to admit. Just a little. She tilted her head to the side curiously. "Are you guys going to the village? I can guide you there if you'd like." she offered. "The way gets kinda tricky up ahead."

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