Chapter one The starting

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Hi I am bella and I died last night. well this is how I died. well coming home from dance I was hit by a car.that was all but the wort t. When I got hit by the car I was by my house. Oh by the way I live on a boat. And I was at the bottem of the hill that lead to the dock that my house was tied to .
well I think you can guess what happened next.well I was pushed by the power of the car coming down the hill right into the water and well weariedly that did not kill me for good a person that sow what happened and jumped in to save me. he had to do CPR(rescue breathing) and then he called 911 and I died later in the ambulance and they can't save me this time. But guess what the person that hit me was my dad I fell so bad. He killed his on kid. that's so had for a dad.well back to the mean story here I. Don't know why I had to died but the worst is that I didn't I'm still here but I am but I am not i can see and hear like anyone but I am a spirit. I go to my house to see how my family is

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