Chapter One (1)

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Loyalty [loi-uh l-tee]

(1)faithful adherence to a sovereign, government, leader, cause, etc.

(2)faithfulness to commitments or obligations.

(3)Holding true to people (friends and family) to country (not so much to the land but to the values that made it a free country) and to the nation's defenders those soldiers that are fighting the wars today and all those who have served and most important the fallen soldiers that have died to preserve our way of life.

(4) Something many people misjudge for fake smiles, and bogus performances of hospitality.

Rico's Story: Chapter One (1)

            I ran like my life depended on it, and in all actuality... it did. I was in a messed up... scratch that. FUCKED UP situation, and I knew at this very moment that there was no way out. "Hands where I can see them!" those were the last words I heard before 3 hot bullets pierced my flesh. Crazy thing is, I don't even know how my life took such a twist. One moment I'm getting straight A's in school, the next moment I'm stripping, slanging with Tony, and hiding from the pigs. I guess my future never really looked too bright. Momma was always telling me that I'd see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the deeper into this "tunnel" I went, the darker it got.

5 Months Earlier

            "Rico!! Get the hell out of bed, your ass has 10 minutes to get to school and you want to lounge around. Don't for a second think that I'm going to take you to school either, better dig up some bus money" momma said while leaving out my room to get to work. I rolled out of bed, and threw my short messy curls into a sloppy bun, hopped in the shower for a good 30 minutes. I didn't want to be later than I already was, so I skipped making breakfast, threw on some sweats, & a t-shirt, grabbed my wallet, and headed out. I was waiting for the MTA for at least 20 minutes before it finally came, the worst part of the whole wait was that it was about 90 degrees outside and the bus driver decided to take her sweet damn time to get here. I got on the bus with the biggest attitude, and the bus driver definitely sensed it.

"Problem sweetheart?" I turned my head around so fast, you would've sworn I broke my neck in 5 different places. "Excuse me lady, I don't have time for the bull, I'm late for school, I look like Hurricane Katrina and friends done ran a train threw me, and I'm drenched in sweat, BUT don't for a second think that I don't have enough energy to tear that ass up!" with that I walked to the back of the bus and took a seat. I didn't really feel like being bothered with everyone on the bus who were still staring at me for going off on the bus driver.

            After a long 15 minute bus ride, I had to walk an additional 10 minutes just to get to school. When I got there Principal Dunaway was standing at the door like he was waiting for me to get there.

Nigga wtf? I thought to myself, like shit, can you stop dicking(1) for a second! He was always on me about being late, and attendance. I don't see why, because I get straight A's. His ass just want a taste of my momma, and that isn't happening sooo.

"Hello Ms. Sanchez!" he smiled a pedophilic smile. I mentally rolled my eyes, already over this convo.

"Hello." I said dryly.

"You're late... again." Here he goes.

"Listen Dunaway I don't have time for it right now, I know I'm late, anyone with eyes and common sense could tell. I would like to get to class, this will be my last time being late, and you can call my mother if you choose to but she probably won't answer because she doesn't like you, and whenever you talk to her you sound kind of thirsty. If you are offended I really don't give two shits, if you'd like to suspend me, by all means have fun trying, and last but not least I'm gonna need you to step out my way so I could at least finish up 1st period." With that he stood there speechless and I proceeded to class.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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