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Daniel, Ruby and Jaune are now on their way to the village called Kuroyuri, but as Ren said: The village was already destroyed and there is no one around. The two lovers are still carrying Qrow on a stretcher. After arriving at the village, they paused and look around unhappily.

Jaune: Oh, man...

Daniel: There's... no one at all. I can't sense any people's energy at all except for random animals around the village.

Upon hearing this, Ruby sighs sadly.

Ruby: Come on.

The three continue forward into the village.

Daniel: Most of these places looks like a pharmacy, but I can assume that all of the medicines here had been already destroyed or stole by tribes.

Ruby: That can't be. We must continue searching for any medicine or at least, a first aid-kit if we can!

Jaune: (puts his hand on Ruby's shoulder) We will, Ruby. Don't worry.

Daniel: Yeah.

He looks around to find an abandoned bicycles among the ruins. Feeling a bit curious, he try asking Jaune about Ren.

Daniel: I'm guessing Ren really dosen't want to come here, huh?

Jaune: Didn't seem so...

Daniel: Can you explain it? Or... not?

He thinks about it for a moment, looking hesitant about it.

Jaune: I don't know...

Daniel: It's okay, Jaune.

Jaune: Fine.

As the three continue forward into the village, the camera changes its view from the three and into the sky, where it was replaced with a blue, beautiful sky.


A pretty waterlily in full bloom floats on an aqueduct in the town center of Kuroyuri. Ren, as a child, looks eagerly at it with a smile.

An Ren: (laughing lightly) Why, hello, little Lie. Are we trying to catch a fish?

Ren: I've found a flower on the water!

An: Oh, I see!

Ren rushes over to his mother.

Ren: Can we take it home and plant it in the garden?

An: Oh no, sweetheart, that flower lives here.

Ren looks down dejectedly and An rubs his head.

An: But I'll tell you what you can do. Take this Lien and go find something nice for your father's return. He's been hunting for quite some time. I bet that the journey's been very tiring, don't you?

Ren: (taking it) Yes.

An: Do you think you'll know what he wants?

Ren: I think... he wants a water flower in the garden!

An: (with a chuckle) Why did you have to inherit my sass?

She gives her son a playful nudge on his bottom as Ren turns away on his new mission to find a gift for his father. He crosses the planks that serve as a bridge over the aqueduct. An watches him go with a smile. A wide shot of Kuroyuri shows a prosperous and peaceful town. Ren rushes up to a weapons stand.

Ren: What can I buy with this?

Young Blacksmith: (chuckling) Well, something just your size.

He holds up two wooden toy weapons. One is a sword, reminiscent of Crocea Mors and the other is a hammer reminiscent of Magnhild. Ren deflates in disappointment at being unable to buy a new weapon for his father. He next waits in line at a liquor merchant.

D-RWBY: Volume. 4Where stories live. Discover now